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Revolutionary Politics
Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results289 Connexions Library28 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 13 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryThe ABC of National Liberation Movements Draper, Hal Article 1969 A war is politics continued by other, that is forcible, means. Our attitude toward a war must be congruent with our attitude toward the politics of which it is the continuation. This determines our pr... The Abolition of the State: Anarchist & Marxist Perspectives Price, Wayne Book 2007 Both Anarchists and Marxists believe that it will be possible to do away with the state. But what do they mean by that? What is the state, after all? What institutions, if any, would be necessary ... Advanced Capitalism and the Revolutionary Left: Towards a New Practice Winnipeg Labour Collective Article 1973 The programme of the Winnipeg Labour Collective, its understanding of socialism's past forms and its conception of socialism's future. American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs ![]() Boggs, Grace Lee Film/Video 2014 A documentary about the ideas and activism of 98-year-old Grace Lee Boggs, covering her lifetime of vital thinking and action, traversing the major U.S. social movements of the last century; from labo... An Analysis of 12F Sanchez, Gabriela Article 2014 A discussion of the events, factors, and actors involved in the protests, deaths, injuries, and arrests in Caracas on Venezuela's annual 'Youth Day'. Anarchism & Socialism: Reformism or Revolution? Price, Wayne Book 2010 In these essays grouped around common themes, Wayne Price draws on decades of extensive practical experience in antiwar and student movements, marxist tendency groups and affinity-based anarchist orga... Anarchism vs. Marxism: A few notes on an old theme ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 1978 Anarchist critiques of Marxism typically reveal a lack of knowledge of what Karl Marx actually wrote, resulting in sterile denunciations of a straw-man opponent. The Anarchists: The men who shocked an era Kedward, Roderick Book 1971 The history and ideology of anarchism. Anatomy of the Micro-Sect Draper, Hal Article 1973 Is there an alternative to the sect mode of organization which dominates the whole history of American socialism, past and present? An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto ![]() Callinicos, Alex Book 2003 An extended argument about what the anti-capitalist movement should stand for. Arms and the Woman Charles, Jeanne Article 1975 The modern revolutionary movement must destroy this opposition of pleasure-activity, sensitivity-lucidity, conception-execution, habit-innovation. As We Don't See It ![]() Article A clarification of Solidarity London's 1968 pamphlet, "As We See It." Distinction is placed between real socialism and the "exploitative privileged minorities" who controll(ed) the USSR and China, as... Australia: Socialist Alliance's 'International Political Perspectives' Resolution Socialist Alliance Article 2014 Resolutions adopted by the 10th National Conference of the Socialist Alliance, June 7-9, 2014. Autonomous Struggles and the Capitalist Crisis: A Workers' Autonomy Pamphlet Book 1974 A Canadian pamphlet with English translations of three articles originating with the Italian autonomist Marxist organization Lotta Continua. Becoming a Revolutionary: Against The Current vol. 133 Ortiz, Roxanne Dunbar Article 2008 Against the Current: Which events of 1968 were you involved in? How did that event/those events affect you personally and politically at the time? Book Review: "Anarchism & Socialism: Reformism or Revolution?" by Wayne Price Gutiérrez D., José Antonio Article 2010 Build It Now: Socialism for the Twenty-First Century Lebowitz, Michael Book 2006 Influenced by the dramatic proeesses unfolding in Venezuela, Lebowitz re-imagines a socialism for the twenty-first century that places workers and popular communities at the centre of the project. The Caribbean Left's Legacy: Against The Current vol. 112 Abraham, Sara Article 2004 Sara Abraham interviews Eusi Kwayana of The Working People's Alliance (WPA) in Guyana. The WPA continued to organize and build its ranks through a democratic socialist multi racial agenda, but has con... The Case For Revolutionary Socialism Callinicos, Alex Article 2003 In my view, the movement for another world is committed to four main values – justice, efficiency, democracy, and sustainability. Class Composition and the Theory of the Party at the Origin of the Workers-Councils Movement Bologna, Sergio Article 1972 Re-examines a crucial segment of labour history, the German workers' council experience, which bridges the classical socialist phase of the Second and Third Internationals, and the post-Keynesian peri... Climate change: It's going to take a revolution ![]() rs21 Film 2015 A new video by Suhail Ilyas: The growing strength of the climate movement around the world gives us great hope, but it's going to take a revolution to make the world inhabitable for future generations... C.L.R. James' Visionary Legacy: Against The Current vol. 156 Ortiz, Paul Article 2012 In order to understand the connection between Black History Month and revolution, we must explode the stifling separation between art and everyday life that bourgeois society everywhere seeks to impos... The Communist Manifesto ![]() Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1848 Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as the theoretical and practical platform of the Communist League, a workers' association.
Connexions Digest: Issue 50 - December 1989 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Connexions Library: Organizing Focus Page ![]() Website Selected articles from the Connexions Online Library. Crisis and Coup in Ecuador: Against The Current vol. 87 Meisch, Lynn A. Article 2000 On January 21, 2000, for the first time since the Spanish conquest of Ecuador in A.D. 1533-34, indigenous people briefly -- very briefly -- ruled the country as part of a triumvirate. Frustrated by ov... Critique of the Gotha Programme ![]() Marx, Karl Article 1875 Karl Marx's criticisms of the programme adopted by congress to unite the two German socialist parties in 1875. The Death of the State in Marx and Engels ![]() Draper, Hal Article 1970 Surveys the thinking of Marx and Engels on the 'dying-away' of the state in socialist (communist) society.
Decaying social order shows need for philosophy, revolution News & Letters Article 2015 Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2015-2016. Democracy Against Politics: Against The Current vol. 136 Feinberg, Joseph Grim Article 2008 “¡Que se vayan todos!” shouted rebellious crowds during the Argentine economic crisis of 2001, “Out with them all!” The call soon spread throughout Latin America: for a new politics without politician... Democracy is in the Streets: From Port Huron to the Siege of Chicago ![]() Miller, James Book 1987 A thoughtful and evocative history of the American New Left in the 1960's, looking critically but sympathetically at the struggles and passions of that period. Does Revolution Make Sense? Stratman, Dave Article 1998 Fighting for revolution allows and demands that we abandon petty concerns and narrow issues and think big. Revolution forces us to try to understand the whole world and to imagine a new one. As we exp... The Double Tragedy of Che Cuevara Dunayevskaya, Raya Article 1967 To prepare themselves for the uphill struggle on two fronts it becomes necessary to also have a clear head, that is to say, a revolutionary theory, fully integrated with the self-activity of the masse... Dual power: Connexipedia Article Article A concept first articulated in an article by Lenin, "The Dual Power," (dvoevlastie) which described a situation in the wake of the February Revolution in which two powers, the workers councils (or Sov... Easily Led: A History of Propaganda Thomson, Oliver Book 1999 From Ancient Sumer to modern Poland, Thomson traces the use of propaganda and its influence on human events. Either Or Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1916 It is a question of either-or! Either we nakedly and shamelessly betray the International or we take the International in deadly seriousness and attempt to extend it into a firm stronghold, a bulwark,... Emergence: An Irresistible Global Uprising Notes from Nowhere Collective Article 2003 An Essay from the Book We Are Everywhere. Eurocentrism ![]() Amin, Samir Book Amin argues that Eurocentrism is an ideological distortion, a myth and historical fallacy and argues for a new social, economic, cultural and political system based on socialist universalism. Exclusive excerpts from Ernest Tate's 'Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s' Hearse, Phil Article 2014 Facing Reality ![]() James, C.L.R., Lee, Grace C., Chaulieu, Pierre Book 1958 Inspired by the October 1956 Hungarian workers' revolution against Stalinist oppression, as well as the U.S. workers' "wild-cat" strikes (against capital and the union bureaucracies), the authors look... Facing Reality 45 Years Later: Critical Dialogue with James/Lee/Chaulieu ![]() Goldner, Loren Article 2003 According to Goldner, "In 1958, Facing Reality was an important book, uncannily anticipatory of the historical period which would unfold over the following 15 years. Its main assertions are still bein... For Communism: Propositions on a Strategy for Revolution in the Advanced Capitalist Countries Article 1970 A series of 100 propositions addressing the strategic vacuum on the Italian and European left at the end of the 1960s.
Free Association: Revolutionary Committees as a Method of Organization Article The revolutionary committee "More to Come" elucidates its vision of collective uprising and revolution. While abhoring the use of violence, the group acknowledges the need for defense against reactio... French Revolution 1968 Seale, Patrick, & McConville, Maureen Book 1968 Seale and McConville set out to relate what happened during the May 1968 revolt in France, to set the explosion in its context of French politics, and to single out what they take to be the original a... From Mass Strike to New Society Brecher, Jeremy Article 2014 Jeremy Brecher examines where and how mass strikes have progressed into the working class attempting to run society in its own interests and the lessons we can learn from them. From the Bourgeois to the Proletarian Revolution ![]() Ruhle, Otto Book 1924 Parliaments are becoming increasingly empty trappings: the parties are collapsing, destroying one another, and losing their political credibility: the trade unions are changing into ruins. The breakdo... General Remarks on the Question of Organisation Pannekoek, Anton Article 1938 Organisation is the chief principle in the working class fight for emancipation. Hence the forms of this organisation constitute the most important problem in the practice of the working class movemen... The German Revolution - First Stage Pannekoek, Anton Article 1919 Through its rapidity and unanimity the revolution rested on the surface of civil society and could not as yet penetrate into the depth of the great masses. Germany 1921: The March Action Broué, Pierre Article 1964 The debacle represented by the ‘March Action’ in Germany in 1921 was a crucial turning point in the development of the Communist International. The defeat led to a crisis in the German Communist Party... Gramsci's Marxism Boggs, Carl Book 1976 Carl Boggs introduces Gramsci as one of the first marxist theorists to grapple with the problems of revolutionary change in advanced capitalist society and as the first to identify the importance of t... Hamburg at the Barricades ![]() Reissner, Larissa Book 1925 Articles by the revolutionary journaliist Larissa Reissner, covering the Hamburg uprising of 1923 and the life and times for Germany in the years 1923-1925. The Historical Failure of Anarchism ![]() Day, Chris Article 1996 Day examines anarchism's failure to genuinely critique itself, understand history or theory, and grasp the conditions in the world today. "Anti-capitalism doesn't do the victims of capitalism any good... Historical Retrogression or Socialist Revolution: A Discussion Article on the Thesis of the IKD James, C.L.R. (writing as J.R. Johnson) Article 1946 Capitalism fetters, i.e., hampers, impedes the development of the productive forces. But it does not bring them to a halt. They move forward by advance, retardation, standstill, but they move forward,... History and Revolution: A Revolutionary Critique of Historical Materialism Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Book 1965 Hope in the Future Pannekoek, Anton Article 1912 A translation of an article on socialism from "Le socialisme". The article discusses demands made by socialists to amend problems that persist in the capitalist system. House of Cards Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1919 Again and again the revolution will bring to the fore the basic question: the general reckoning between labour and capital. And this reckoning is a world historical conflict between two mortal enemies... Hungary 1956: A workers' revolt crushed by the "workers' state" Diemer, Ulli Article 1973 The Hungarian revolution, brief though it was, did as much as a century of socialist theorizing to show what a united and determined people could do to transform their society. In a time of duplicity: From the Diary of Victor Serge - III Serge, Victor Article 1945 A selection of three enteries in the diary of Victor Serge - III In Defence of the Terror: Liberty or Death in the French Revolution Wahnich, Sophie Book 2012 A discussion about the causes and consequences of revolutionary violence, with the premise that dismissive disgust at bloodshed is an overly simplistic response. Inaugural Address of the International Workingmen's Association Marx, Karl Article 1864 Speech by Karl Marx to the founding meeting of the First International. Industrial Workers of the World: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A revolutionary industrial union founded in 1905. Wobblies were mostly unskilled, low-status migrant workers. The IWW advocated the organization of all workers into one body and supported direct actio... The 'Inevitability of Socialism': The Meaning of a Much Abused Formula Draper, Hal Article 1947 It is our conviction that the socialist revolution will triumph. There is no question of 'equal possibility.' But this conviction is based on an examination of evidence - in the first place, upon our ... The International Workingmen's Association, General Rules Article 1864 Rules of the First International Workingmen's Association, adopted at its founding congress in 1864. Interview with Lotta Continua 1977 ![]() Mattick, Paul Article 1977 Revolutionary actions are directed against the system as a whole - for its overthrow. This presupposes a general disruption of society which escapes political control. Thus far, such revolutionary act... Introducing the Year 1905: Centennial of Struggle: Against The Current vol. 114 The Editors Article 2005 The year 1905 stands out as the onset of an era of explosive anticapitalist struggle—all the more so 100 years later, when we feel stranded in a neoliberal ice age. Looking back at the events of that ... Introduction to 'Anti-Bolshevik Communism' ![]() Mattick, Paul Article 1978 The international socialist movement must of course be an anti-imperialist movement. But it has to actualise its anti-imperialism through the destruction of the capitalist system in the advanced count... Introduction to Social Revolution Article 1976 A Short Introduction to Social Revolutionary Politics, with short articles on ""Capitalism," "War," "State Capitalism," "National Liberation and Imperialism," "Racism," "Sex Roles," "Education," and "... Introduction to the Critique of the Gotha Programme ![]() Korsch, Karl Article 1922 Next to the Communist Manifesto of 1847-8 and the 'General Introduction' to the Critique of Political Economy of 1857, the Critique of the Gotha Programme of 1875 is, of all Karl Marx's shorter works,... The Invading Socialist Society James, C.L.R.; Forest, F. [Raya Dunayevskaya]; Stone, Ria [Grace Lee Boggs] Book 1947 History has shown that in moments of great social crisis, its farthest flights fall short of the reality of the proletarian revolution. Never was the proletariat so ready for the revolutionary struggl... Iraq: Guerrilla War in Sadr City: Against The Current vol. 114 Schwartz, Michael Article 2005 In attacking first Najaf, then Tal Afar and Samarra, and finally tackling the center of Sunni resistance in Fallujah, the United States was seeking to reverse this process. But these attacks were not... The Junius Pamphlet: The Crisis of Social Democracy ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1916 The voting of war credits in August 1914 was a shattering moment in the life of individual socialists and of the socialist movement in Europe. Those who had worked for, and wholly believed in the abil... Karl Marx and the Anarchists Thomas, Paul Book Shows the continuity of Marx's political theory in the context of different ideological opponents. Karl Marx: Economist or Revolutionary? Cleaver, Harry Article 1983 Cleaver illustrates how, in the history of Marxist work on the theory of crisis, many have forgotten the revolutionary content of Marx’s own work and thus left themselves open to the dangers of capita... Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume I: State and Bureaucracy ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1977 A wide-ranging and thorough exposition of Marx's views on democracy. Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume II: The Politics of Social Classes ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1978 Draper ranges through the development of the thought of Marx and Engels on the role of classes in society. Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume III: The Dictatorship of the Proletariat Draper, Hal Book 1986 Hal Draper examines how Marx and Marxism dealt with the issue of dictatorship in relation to the revolutionary use of force and repression, particularly as this debate has centered on the use of the t... Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume IV: Critique of Other Socialisms ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1990 Much of Karl Marx's most important work came out of his critique of other thinkers, including many socialists who differed significantly in their conceptions of socialism. Draper looks at these critiq... Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume 5: War & Revolution Draper, Hal; Haberkern, E. Book 2005 The subject of this volume is Marx and Engels' views on the relation between war and revolution. Its thesis is that, over the course of decades, their views on this question changed -- evolved is a be... Korea's New Revolutionaries: Against The Current vol. 87 Sheppard, Barry Article 2000 Against the background of a rising militant working-class movement, revolutionary socialists in South Korea are undergoing a process of regroupment. An important force in this development are comrades... The "Labor Aristocracy" and Working-Class Struggles: Consciousness in Flux, Part 2: Against The Current vol. 124 Post, Charles Article 2006 Whatever the theoretical and empirical problems with the economics of the labor aristocracy thesis, its defenders still claim that well paid workers have generally been more reformist and conservative... Leading Principles of Marxism: A Restatement ![]() Korsch, Karl Article 1937 Marx's study of society is based upon a full recognition of the reality of historical change. Marx treats all conditions of existing bourgeois society as changing, ie more exactly, as conditions in th... Learning from our History: Ernie Tate's Memoir of His Early Years Fidler, Richard Article 2014 Richard Fidler reviews political activist Ernest Tate's two volume Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s and 60s: Ernest Tate, A Memoir. Leaving the 20th Century: The Incomplete Work of the Situationist International Gray, Christopher (translator and editor) Book An anthology of Situationist writings. Left Nationalism and Working Class Communism: A Review of the Iranian Experience Hekmat, Mansour Article 1987 No amount of theoretical and political radicalisation can in itself change the social character of present-day communism and bridge the gulf that separates it from the working class. What is needed, i... Left-Wing, Anti-Bolshevik and Council Communism Website Index to the works of 'Left Communists' (a.k.a. 'Council Communists' or 'Anti-Bolshevik Communists') and other ultra-left Communist currents and the debates between Left Communists and the leaders of ... Left-wing internationals, list of: Connexipedia Article Article This is a list of socialist, communist, and anarchist internationals. An "International" such as, the "First International", the "Second International", or the "Socialist International" may refer to a... Leninism Under Lenin Liebman, Marcel Book Liebman offers a portrayal of Lenin as primarily a revolutionary, focusing both on his fallibility and successes. Lenin's "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder revisited Rose, John Article 2013 Lenin’s famous pamphlet holds the key to unlocking the reasons why the October 1917 Russian Revolution failed to spread to the more advanced industrial countries in Europe. Let's Be Practical Stratman, Dave Article 1997 Building a movement to destroy capitalism and create a society which truly reflects the aspirations of most people, though it may sound scary, is actually more practical than trying to reform a union. Let's Stop Kidding Ourselves About the NDP Diemer, Ulli Article 1989 Canadian socialists are terribly reluctant to give up their illusions about the NDP. Letter to Socialisme ou Barbarie Pannekoek, Anton Article 1953 Councils are not only the means by which workers will exercise power after the taking of social power by the workers; we consider them as also being the organisms by means of which the workers will co... Letters of Insurgents ![]() Nachalo, Sophia and Vochek, Yarostan (Perlman, Freddy) Book A fictional exchange of letters between people grappling with the question of what the struggle for freedom means in the West and in thecountries of the Soviet bloc. A gripping discussion of the issue... The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (edited by Georg Adler, Peter Hudis, and Annelies Laschitza) Book 1990 Blending a passionate sensibility and a steely intellect with an unshakeable commitment to revolutionary socialism, Rosa Luxemburg is one of the towering figures of the twentieth century. In this comp... Libya: From Colony to Revolution St John, Ronald Bruce Book 2011 Provides the background to the Libyan revolution by discussing its history from colonization up through the 2011 rebellion/foreign intervention that ousted Mu'ammar al-Qadafi. Listen, Marxist! Bookchin, Murray Book 1969 Murray Bookchin takes on the 'Marxist-Leninists' who are destroying the New Left. Rosa Luxemburg: A letter about Rosa Luxemburg's contribution to Marxism ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2000 In a time when the socialist movement was evolving in directions increasingly removed from Marx's positions -- Social Democratic reformism on the one hand, and Leninist bureaucratic centralism on the ... Luxemburg versus Lenin ![]() Mattick, Paul Article 1935 On many essential points the conceptions of Luxemburg differ from those of Lenin as day from night, or -- the same thing -- as the problems of the bourgeois revolution from those of the proletarian. Luxemburgism: Connexipedia Article Article A revolutionary theory within Marxism and communism based on the writings of Rosa Luxemburg. Mainspring of the Arab Revolt: A review of Lineages of Revolt by Adam Hanieh Machover, Moshe Article 2014 This book ought to be read — or better, studied — by every socialist interested in the Middle East. Malcolm X Speaks X. Malcolm; edited and with prefatory notes by George Breitman Book 1965 A series of speeches, seminars and press conferences given by Malcolm X during the last years of his life in 1964 and early 1965. Manifesto of the Communist International to the Workers of the World Trotsky, Leon Article 1919 Adopted by the founding congress of the Third International (Comintern) in March 1919.
Manifesto of the Second Congress of the Third International Article 1920 Adopted in Moscow, August 1920, at the Second World Congress of the Communist International.
Manifestos, Programs, Visions: Selected Manifestos - Political Statements - Programs ![]() Website 1649 A selection of left manifestos, programs, poltical statements and visions from the 1600s to today. Manual for Revolutionary Leaders Michael Velli. Compiled and edited by Lorraine and Fredy Perlman Book 1972 A devious satire aimed at Leninists, Trotskyists, Maoists, and vanguardists of all stripes.
Marx and Engels: Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich (edited by Feuer, Lewis S.) Book 1959 Marx-Engels Chronicle, The: A Day-by-Day Chronology of Marx and Engels' Life and Activity. Vol. 1 of the Marx-Engels Cyclopedia Draper, Hal Book 1985 Marx-Engels Glossary, The: Glossary to the Chronicle & Register, & Index to the Glossary. Vol. 2 of the Marx-Engels Cyclopedia Draper, Hal Book 1986 Marx-Engels Register, The: A Complete Bibliography of Marx Engels' Individual Writings. Vol. 3 of the Marx-Engels Cyclopedia Draper, Hal Book 1985 The Marx-Engels Register contains a detailed bibliographical listing of all the individual writings of Marx and Engels. Each entry in the Register gives all the basic data about a given work: English-... Marx, Freud, and the Critique of Everyday Life: Toward a Permanent Revolution Brown, Bruce Book 1974 The theory and practice of revolutionary social transformation, Brown argues, must encompass the subjective, psychological dimensions of the revolutionary process. Marx, theoretician of anarchism ![]() Rubel, Maximilien Article 1973 Under the name communism, Marx developed a theory of anarchism; and further, in fact it was he who was the first to provide a rational basis for the anarchist utopia and to put forward a project for a... Marxism and Freedom: From 1776 to Today ![]() Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1958 Dunayevskaya argues that Marx's theory is the generalisation of the instinctive striving of the proletariat for a new social order, a truly human society. Marxism and the Party Molyneyx, John Book 1978 Molyneux examines the views of Marx, Lenin, Luxemburg, Trotsky, and Gramsci on the question of party organisation. He takes as his central theme their concern with the relationship between the party a... Marxism and the Russian Anarchists D'Agostino, Anthony Book Studies of the ideas of Russian anarchists, including anarcho-syndicalists, anarchist-communists, Makheavists, council anarchists, Makhnovism, and soviet anarchists. The Marxism of the First International Korsch, Karl Article 1924 On 28 September 1864 it was decided at an international meeting of workers in London to found the International Workingmen's Association. On 25 July 1867, Karl Marx wrote the preface to the first edit... Marxism: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow ![]() Mattick, Paul Article 1978 Until now the history of revolutionary Marxism has been the history of its defeats, which include the apparent successes that culminated in the emergence of state-capitalist systems. It is clear that ... Marxist Theory and Revolutionary Tactics Pannekoek, Anton Article 1912 If the party saw its function as restraining the masses from action for as long as it could do so, then party discipline would mean a loss to the masses of their initiative and potential for spontaneo... Marxist Women versus Bourgeois Feminism Draper, Hal; Lipow, Anne G. Article 1976 The texts presented here are intended to revive acquaintance with a revolutionary women's movement, which was undoubtedly the most important one of its kind that has yet been seen. Yet it has been so ... Marx's Vision of Communism: A Reconstruction Ollman, Bertell Article 1977 Ollman tries to reconstruct Marx's vision of communism from his writings of 1844, the year in which he set down the broad lines of his analysis, to the end of his life. The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1906 Luxemburg writes that "the mass strike in Russia [in 1905] has been realised not as means of evading the political struggle of the working-class, and especially of parliamentarism, not as a means of j... The Masses & The Vanguard Mattick, Paul Article 1938 The leadership principle, the idea of the vanguard that must assume responsibility for the proletarian revolution is based on the pre-war conception of the labour movement, is unsound. The tasks of th... May 5, 1818: Birth of Karl Marx: Seeds of Fire ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2013 Marx breathes dialectics and revolution. For Marx, radicalism means going to the root, and Marx’s radicalism seeks to go to the root of capitalism, to comprehend its essence dialectically, to understa... The Meaning of Socialism Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Article 1961 Paul Cardan's 1961 discussion of modern conceptions of socialism, and the future of socialist movements. Memoirs of a Revolutionary 1901- 1941 ![]() Serge, Victor Book 1943 Victor Serge, who was bron in 1890 and died in 1947, was an anarchist, a Bolshevik, a Trotskyist, and a revisionist-Marxist. Belgian by birth and upbringing, French by adoption and in literary express... Modern Capitalism and Revolution Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Book 1959 For revolutionaries one central point must be grasped to understand how the system works: the struggle of human beings against their alientation, and the ensuing conflict and split in all spheres, asp... The Myth of Lenin's 'Concept of The Party': What They Did to What Is To Be Done? Draper, Hal Article 1990 Lenin protested more than once that his initial formulations in WITBD were being distorted and misinterpreted by opponents, after which he went on to clarify and modify. If we want to know Lenin's 'co... The Myth of Lenin's 'Revolutionary Defeatism' Draper, Hal Article 1954 Lenin discovered in practice that the defeat-slogan was incompatible with a living Marxist approach to the problem of the defense of the nation, conceived not in the social-patriotic sense of the 'def... The National Question: Selected Writings by Rosa Luxemburg ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (edited by Davis, Horace B.) Book In her penetrating analysis of nationalism, Rosa Luxemburg argues that the formula of "the right of nations to self-determination" is essentially not a political or programmatic guide to the nationali... Necessary and Unneccessary Utopias Panitch, Leo; Leys, Colin, eds. Book 2000 Reasserts the need for a bold and revolutionary imagination, one aimed at saner ways of living and organizaing society.
Needed: 5% Participation to Overthrow Crony Capitalism Kerrigon, David Article 2013 Erica Chenoweth, author of Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, explains how to overthrow U.S. crony capitalism: “In raw numbers, movements generally achieve systema... The New Blanquism Pannekoek, Anton Article 1920 The revolution can only issue from the masses, and it is only through the masses that it is carried out. The Communist Party has forgotten this simple truth and, with the insufficient forces of a revo... A New International Serge, Victor Article 1944 The idea of socialism is henceforth inseparable from respect for the individual, the spirit of liberty, and of really democratic institutions. Socialist ideology demands strict self-criticism, a re-ex... The new socialist revolution: An introduction to its theory and strategy Lerner, Michael P. Article 1973 Chapter 6 - Strategy and Tactics. The first task of the revolutionary movement, its most important task within the next few years, is to destroy bourgeois hegemony and develop a radical consciousness ... News & Letters: Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2006 - 2007 Article 2006 We aim to help fill the void on the question of "what happens after" by creatively rethinking and restating his concept of "revolution in permanence" for today. The Next Liberation Struggle: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy in Southern Africa Saul, John S. Book 2005 An indispensable guide to understanding how the resources of that era can be used to contribute to real liberation for the region and for the continent of Africa as a whole. Obsolete Communism: The Left-Wing Alternative Cohn-Bendit, Daniel; Cohn-Bendit, Gabriel Book 1968 An account of the May 1968 uprising in Paris, positing a left radical alternative to the encrusted beliefs of the old left and the right. A comment on power, on bureaucracy, and on the paths to libera... An October for Us, for Russia and for the Whole World: Against The Current vol. 131 an appeal from Russian Intellectuals and Artists Article 2007 This appeal from Russian intellectuals and artists on the 90th anniversary of the Russian October Revolution comes to us from veteran leftists, social democrats, artists and even children of Left Oppo... Old-Fashioned Political Activism Doesn't Work Spritzler, John Article 2013 If you have ever read an article aiming to make you angry at some government or corporation by exposing some vile wrong-doing of it, then you've experienced at least one author's old-fashioned politca... On May '68: Against The Current vol. 136 Löwy, Michael Article 2008 Interview with Michael Löwy. Michael Löwy is the author of numerous works on socialist thought from Marx to the present as well as on liberation theology in Latin America. On Oil and Quicksand: Against The Current vol. 114 The Editors Article 2005 The end of 2004 finds the Middle East sliding toward an even bloodier morass, thanks in large part to imperial and colonial arrogance which has rarely been on such open display. On Spontaneity and Organisation Bookchin, Murray Article 1971 On the relationship of spontaneity and revolution.
On the Question of Revolutionary Organization: the Case of the NPA in France Inti Article 2009 The challenge of creating an anti-bureaucratic, democratic revolutionary socialist party. On the Spartacus Programme ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1918 For us the conquest of power will not be effected at one blow. It will be a progressive act, for we shall progressively occupy all the positions. of the capitalist state, defending tooth and nail each... On the Transition to Socialism Sweezy, Paul M; Bettelheim, Charles Book 1971 Essays discussing the economic, social, and political aspects of the attempt to create a new society after the governmental power of the old has been destroyed and replaced. Central to the discussion ... Open Letter to Comrade Lenin: A reply to 'left-wing' communism, an infantile disorder Gorter, Herman Article 1920 he tactics that are brilliant for Russia are bad here. They lead to defeat here. Order Prevails in Berlin Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1919 Rosa Luxemburg's last article, written just before she was murdered.
She concludes with the words: "You foolish lackeys! Your 'order' is built on sand. Tomorrow the revolution will 'rise up again, cl... Ordinary People Article 2001 When we talk about revolution, we aren't talking about pie in the sky or something that's never existed. We're talking about reshaping the world with the very best values that we practice now, today, ... The Organisational Structure of the Communist Parties, the Methods and Content of Their Work: Theses Article 1921 Adopted at the Third Congress of the Communist International (Comintern) in 1921.
Organizing for Workers' Power: Beyond Trade Unionism & Vanguardism Sofri, Adriano Article 1968 A discussion of the problem of "vanguardism," and the role of leadership in revolutionary organization, and its evolution through different stages of class struggle, by Adriano Sofri of the Italian so... Origins of the Chinese Revolution, 1915-1949 Bianco, Lucien; Bell, Muriel (trans.) Book 1967 An introduction to China's passage to revolution which takes as its central theme the relationship between China's social crisis and the revolutionary movement. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 5, 2016: International Women's Day Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 In this issue of Other Voices, we mark International Women's Day. An article written by Alexandra Kollontai in 1920 talks about the early history of this event, which grew out of a proposal put forwar... Our Program and the Political Situation Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1918 Tthe text of a speech by Rosa Luxemburg to the Founding Congress of the Communist Party of Germany (Spartacus League), made on December 31, 1918.
Party and Class ![]() Pannekoek, Anton Article 1936 The belief in parties is the main reason for the impotence of the working class; therefore we avoid forming a new party - not because we are too few, but because a party is an organization that aims t... Party and Class in Revolutionary Crises Post, Charlie Article 2011 While the pre-World War I Lenin and the Bolsheviks did not leave original theoretical tools to guide the reconstruction of revolutionary workers’ organizations, the study of their historical experienc... People, Get Ready Article 2002 There is nothing more necessary for the success of popular struggle in the coming years than a worthy revolutionary alternative to aim for. This alternative must inspire confidence that we can create ... The Permanent Revolution & Results and Prospects Trotsky, Leon Book 1931 A re-issue of two of Trotsky's works, Results and Prospcts, and The Permanent Revolution. Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre, and from Marx to mao Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1973 Dunayevskaya argues in favour of a re-evaluation of the theoretical philosophy of Hegel and its application by Marx and the later Lenin to the history of mankind. The Platform of the Communist International Article 1919 Adopted by the founding congress of the Third International, March 1919.
The Political Mass Strike ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1913 If we want to prove ourselves worthy of the great coming events then we must not begin at the wrong end by attempting to make technical preparations for the mass strike. When the situation is ripe, th... A Political Statement of the Libertarian Socialist Collective Libertarian Socialist Collective Article 1979 The socialist perspective, as we see it, implies a total critique of human society as it is presently constituted. Socialism means a total transformation of life and social institutions - a project of... The Politics Of Gorter Pannekoek, Anton Article 1952 In the years after 1920, Gorter in contact with the small groups of the extreme left, worked to clarify the idea of the organisation of workers councils and thus collaborated in the future renewal of ... Portugal Swift, Richard Article 1976 The revolutionary process in Portugal is not one that lends itself very easily to a coherent political analysis. Political leadership is quickly thrown up by the creative energy of the workers and pea... Portugal: The Impossible Revolution? Mailer, Phil, Book 1977 The story of what happened in Portugal between April 25, 1974 and November 25, 1975, as seen and felt by a deeply committed participant. Preliminaries Toward Defining a Unitary Revolutionary Program ![]() Debord, Guy Article 1960 Written as a platform for discussion within the Situationist International, and for its linkup with revolutionary militants of the workers movement. Prelude to Revolution: The Petrograd Bolsheviks and the July 1917 Uprising Rabinowitch, Alexander Book 1968 About the role of the Bolsheviks in the period between the February and October 1917 revolutions, concentrating on their role in the July uprising in Petrograd. The Principle of Self-Emancipation in Marx and Engels ![]() Draper, Hal Article 1971 For Marx and Engels, there was a direct relationship between the revolutionary (literally subversive) nature of their socialism and the principle of emancipation-from-below, the principle that, as Eng... The Program of the Minority James, C.L.R.; Dunayevskaya, Raya; et al Article 1946 Statement of the minority in the (U.S.) Workers Party.
The proliferation of neo-primitives Clark, Ed Article 1979 Neo-primitives prefer an imaginary past to the work of creating a different society. Propaganda and Consciousness: The Future of Big Flame Newspaper Article A political dicussion of the strategy and practice of Big Flame, written in the early 1970s.
Red Menace #1: Volume 1, Number 1 - February 1976 Article 1976 The first issue of The Red Menace, a libertarian socialist newsletter. Redefining Revolution Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Book 1963 Modern society certainly remains profoundly divided. It constantly functions against the immense majority of working people. In everyday life the exploited defend themselves against exploitation by pa... Reform and Revolution ![]() Gorz, Andre Article 1967 An essay taken from Andre Gorz's Le Socialisme Difficile in which he discusses how socialist strategy can aim to crate the objective and subjective conditions which will make mass revolutionary action... Reform or Revolution ![]() Mattick, Paul Book 1983 The reformists had no principles to 'betray.' They remained what they had been all along, but they were now obliged first of all to safeguard the system in which their cherished practice could continu... Reform or Revolution? DeLeon, Daniel Article 1896 Socialism knows that revolutionary upheavals and transformations proceed from the rock bed of material needs. Review: International Socialist Review on "Contemporary Anarchism" Wetzel, Tom Article The word "anarchism" is a rather vague word that covers such a wide variety of political views and approaches it is often hard to see how they have anything in common. This means it is also probably n... Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Africa: Essays in Contemporary Politics Nzongola-Ntalaja Book 1989 In this collection of essays, one of Africa's most eminent political scientists investigates crucial problems confronting the African continent: its chronic instability and sectional conflict, the nat... The Revolution is Dead Long Live the Revolution: Readings on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution from an Ultra-Left Perspective Edited by the 70's Book 1976 essasy on China's Great Proletarian cultural Revolution. The Revolution Is Not A Party Affair Rühle, Otto Article 1920 The revolution is not a party affair. The three social-democratic parties (SPD, USPD, KPD) are so foolish as to consider the revolution as their own party affair and to proclaim the victory of the rev... The Revolution of Everyday Life ![]() Vaneigem, Raoul Book 1967 The classic complement to Debord's Society of the Spectacle. Vaneigem examines the minutia of power as "abstracted mediation and mediated abstraction" that permeates everyday life and the means of sei... Revolution Re-Assessed: Politics of Human Liberation ![]() Article 1980 The political objectives and beliefs of the Australian-based Libertarian Socialist Organisation. Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s: A Memoir: Volume 1, Canada 1955-1965 Tate, Ernest Book 2014 The first volume of long-time Canadian revolutionary socialist Ernie Tate's memoir. Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s: A Memoir: Volume 2, Britain 1965-1970 Tate, Ernest Book 2014 The second volume of long-time Canadian revolutionary socialist Ernie Tate's memoir. The Revolutionary Answer to the Negro Problem in the USA James, C.L.R. Article 1948 The impetus of the Negro movement toward the revolutionary forces, which we have traced in the past, is stronger today than ever before.
Revolutionary Centennial: Guyana's 1905 Rebellion: Against The Current vol. 114 Westmaas, Nigel Article 2005 1905 was a landmark year in the history of Guyana, as it was for several places around the world. In Russia, the Tsar and his troops shot workers delivering a petition in St. Petersburg. In Bengal t... Revolutionary Feminism, Communist Interventions vol. 3 Communist Research Cluster Article 2016 The third volume of the Communist Interventions reader series, on Revolutionary Feminism. A century of debates between communist, anarchist, and radical feminist militants on women's oppression and ca... Revolutionary Nonviolence: Essays by Dave Dellinger Dellinger, Dave Book 1970 Dellinger says that "those of us who oppose the violence of the status quo and reject the violence of armed revolt and class hatred bear a heavy responsibility to struggle existentially to provdew non... Revolutionary Organisation and Open Letter to IS Article 1972 A 1972 pamphlet incorporating two previously published texts, 'Revolutionary Organisation' (1961) and 'An Open Letter to I.S.' (1968). They are presented as "a contribution to the serious discussing n... Revolutionary Organization: Versus Bureaucratic and "Democratic" Centralism Article 1969 An advocacy for democratic, "uncentred" socialism as an antidote to Stalinist repression, elitism by workers' leadership and blindness to the "understandings of today's reality." Also included is a sh... Revolutionary Organization ![]() Brinton, Maurice Article 1961 We here wish to examine one of the most fervently adhered to dogmas of the "Left": the need for a tightly centralized socialist party, controlled by a carefully selected leadership. The Labour Party d... Revolutionary Politics and the Cuban Working Class: Torchbook Edition Zeitlin, Maurice Book 1970 A study of Cuban workers after consolidation of the Castro regime. Riot and Revolution: Speech by Rosa Luxemburg on Trial for Inciting to Riot Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1906 On the twelfth of November 1906 Rosa Luxemburg was tried at the Criminal Court at Weimar for “inciting to the use of physical force” by the speech she contributed to the discussion on the General Stri... Rosa Luxemburg ![]() Frolich, Paul Book 1939 A biography of Rosa Luxemburg written by a German revolutionary who worked with Luxemburg in the Spartacist organization. Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Political Writings ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (edited with an introduction by Robert Looker) Book 1972 A selection of Rosa Luxemburg's writings which highlight her outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of revolutionary socialism. Rosa Luxemburg (film) ![]() von Trotta, Margarethe (director) Film/Video 1986 A 1986 West German dramatic film on the life of Rosa Luxemburg. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa. [Anderson, Kevin; Hudis, Peter (eds.)] Book 2004 A definitive one-volume collection of Luxemburg's writings. Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution ![]() Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1981 Part I - Rosa Luxemburg as Theoretician, as Activist, as Internationalist. Part II - The Women's Liberation Movement as Revolutionary Force and Reason. Part III - Karl Marx: From Critic of Hegel to Au... The Russian Revolution ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1918 The basic lesson of every great revolution, the law of its being, decrees: either the revolution must advance at a rapid, stormy, resolute tempo, break down all barriers with an iron hand and place it... The Russian Revolution Ninety Years After: Against The Current vol. 131 Mandel, David Article 2007 The October Revolution of 1917 in Russia was the most influential political event of the 20th century. But since history is written by the victors, it is not well known that October was the opening sh... Secrecy and Revolution: A Reply to Trotsky Serge, Victor Article 1938 Whether Trotsky wills it or not, no limit has been set to the analysis of the Russian revolution, which he has served so outstandingly, so tremendously - despite the measure of responsibility which mu... Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934 ![]() Reich, Wilhelm; (Baxandall, Lee, ed.) Book 1934 Wilhelm Reich's writings from his Marxist period, outlining his thoughts about sexual and political liberation. The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage ![]() Gitlin, Todd Book 1987 One of the best books on the Sixties in the U.S., bringing to life the political and cultural currents, including especially the music, which raged during that decade, and setting them in historical c... '68: The Year of the Barricades ![]() Caute, David Book 1988 Caute's book looks at the explosive year 1968 (while situating it in the context of what had led up to it). One of the great strengths of this excellent book is that it looks at what was happening aro... Socialism and Revolution ![]() Gorz, Andre Book 1967 Representative democracy in every industrially advanced country is in a state of profound crisis. But we have been accustomed for so long to accept democracy in the form of its outward appearances and... Socialism or Barbarism Article 1961 The combined socialist objectives from members of "Socialisme ou Barbarie" of France, "Unita Proletaria" of Italy, "Socialism Reaffirmed" of Great Britain, and "Pouvoir Ouvrier Belge" of Belgium. ![]() Website A gateway to resources about socialism, socialist history, and socialist ideas, compiled by Connexions. The Socialist Register 1974: Volume 11: A survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1974 The Socialist Register 1975: Volume 12: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1975 The Socialist Register 1978: Volume 15: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1978 Society of the Spectacle ![]() Debord, Guy Book 1967 An analysis of modern society and how it can be changed, written in the form of 221 theses. The first thesis reads: "In societies dominated by modern conditions of production, life is presented as an ... Solidarity As We See It ![]() Article 1967 Ten Points on Solidarity's Socialist position - the compromised nature of the "Bolsheviks" and trade unions, the need to "build from below," the desire to see themselves as "merely an instrument of w... Solidarity (US) Founding Statement ![]() Article 1986 Adopted at the founding national convention of SOLIDARITY in the Spring of 1986.
Some Thoughts on the Re-organization of the Revolutionary Left Brendel, Cajo Article It is not true that without revolutionary theory there is no revolutionary practice. It is not true that certain opinions and ideas, that a certain quantity of consciousness are the absolute precondit... States of Change: A Central European Diary, Autumn 1989 Jones, Lynne Book 1990 A first hand and day to day account of Jones' travels through the GDR, Cxechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland in 1989. Storming Heaven: 1968 Revisted Ali, Tariq Article 2008 The eruptions of 1968 challenged the power structures north and south, east and west. Countries in each continent were infected with the desire for change. Hope reigned supreme.
Strike!: The True History of Mass Insurgence from 1877 to the Present ![]() Brecher, Jeremy Book 1972 A history-from-below that brings to light strikes as authentic revolutionary movements against the establishments of state, capital, and trade unionism. SWP History: 1960-1988 Website A website devoted to reviews and discussions related to Barry sheppart's two-volume history of the American Socialists Workers' Party (SWP). Theses On The Fight Of The Working Class Against Capitalism Pannekoek, Anton Article 1947 Extension of the strike to ever larger masses, the only tactics appropriate to wrench concessions from capital, is fundamentally opposed to the Trade Union tactics to restrict the fight and to put an ... Theses on the Fundamental Tasks of the Communist International Article 1920 Adopted at the Second Congress of the Communist International, August 1920.
They Showed the Way to Labor Emancipation: On Karl Marx and the 75th Anniversary of the Paris Commune James, C.L.R. Article 1946 Marx drew a great theoretical conclusions from the experience of the Commune. He showed that the capitalist army, the capitalist state, the capitalist bureaucracy, cannot be seized by the revolutionar... Toward a New Beginning - On Another Road: The Alternative to the Micro-Sect Draper, Hal Article 1970 To Marx, any organization was a sect if it set up any special set of view (including Marx's views) as its organizational boundary; if it made this special set of views the determinant of its organizat... Toward a Revolutionary Socialist Party Hallas, Duncan Article 2002 Duncan Hallas, a now-retired leading member of the Socialist Workers' Party (Britain), wrote this article at the beginning of the 1970s with an eye toward a layer of radicalizing workers and student a... The Transitional Program: The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International Trotsky, Leon Book 1938 Leon Trotsky's program for the founding of the Fourth International.
The Two Main Trends in Anarchism: Alternate Tendencies of Anarchism Price, Wayne Article 2009 The broad anarchist tradition of class struggle anarchism overlaps with libertarian interpretations of Marx. The Two Souls of Socialism: Socialism from Above vs. Socialism from Below ![]() Draper, Hal Article 1960 It was Marx who finally brought the two ideas of socialism and democracy together, because he developed a theory which made the synthesis possible for the first time. The heart of the theory is this p... Uncovering the Sixties: Life and Times of the Undergound Press Peck, Abe Book 1985 A book about the Sixties and how they were recorded by radical participants. It traces how movements and communities convinced that their news did not fit into the agenda of mainstream media covered t... Unions Against Revolution Munis, G., Zerzan, J. Book Unions -- as well as employers -- stand in the way of workers' political freedom. Labour militants who become union leaders enforce industrial discipline just as Lenin and Stalin advocated. In the pam... The Unknown Dimension: European Marxism Since Lenin ![]() Howard, Dick, Klare, Karl E. Book 1972 The radical intellectual tradition of European post-Leninist Marxism, so different from the dogma of the orthodox leftist parties, is an unknowwn dimension. This anthology sets out to recover this Mar... The Veritable Split in the International: Public Circular of the Situationist International Debord, Guy; Sanguinetti, Gianfranco Book 1972 What are called "situationist ideas" are nothing other than the first ideas of the period of reappearance of the modern revolutionary movement. We Can Change the World: The Real Meaning Of Everyday Life ![]() Stratman, Dave Book 1991 Stratman draws on his experiences as a parent in the Boston school busing battle and later as Washington director of the National PTA, interviews with British coal miners and striking American meatpac... What Does the Spartacus League Want? Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1918 The proletarian revolution requires no terror for its aims; it hates and despises killing. It does not need these weapons because it does not combat individuals but institutions, because it does not e... What is Libertarian Socialism? ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 1977 Revolution is a collective process of self-liberation: people and societies are transformed through their struggles for freedom and for a better world. What Is Missing From the World? Stratman, Dave Article 1998 The lack of a revolutionary alternative to capitalism has had a very negative effect on people's ability to organize a new movement for change. If there is no alternative to capitalism, then it seems ... What the Left Should be Learning From Iran ![]() Giordano, Al Article 2009 There are those on the left who mirror neocon thought: They argue that since Washington is in opposition to it, Iran must therefore be considered a 'good' government, worthy of solidarity. Others argu... What Will It Take To Win? Spritzler, John Article 2005 Our current strategy engages people in an arena - history and events in Palestine/Israel - far from their direct experience. We are the experts on a topic they know little about. We ask people to lear... Who Advocates Spontaneity? ![]() Brecher, Jeremy Article 1973 The working class can come to understand its power to act only by acting.
Why environmentalists must support workers' struggles: Global Capitalism is the Real Enemy ![]() McMillan, Stephanie Article 2013 This is to specifically address class struggle as it relates to the ecological crisis. It will not address all the other (many!) reasons that working class struggle must be waged and supported. Why I am a Marxist ![]() Korsch, Karl Article 1935 For the Marxist, there is no such thing as 'Marxism' in general any more than there is a 'democracy' in general, a 'dictatorship' in general or a 'state' in general. There is only a bourgeois state, a... Why Marx Was Right ![]() Eagleton, Terry Book 2011 Eagleton takes common objections to Marxism and demonstrates how and why they are wrong. Why Past Revolutionary Movements Have Failed ![]() Pannekoek, Anton Article 1940 The working class is going into this war burdened with the capitalistic tradition of Party leadership and the phantom tradition of a revolution of the Russian kind. Why the Leninists will lose Dunnington, C. Article 1978 The Leninist groups may still have the ability to disrupt the left, but they are long past the point of being able to achieve any kind of success in their own right. Why the Working Class? ![]() Chibber, Vivek Article 2016 Workers are at the heart of the capitalist system. And that's why they are at the centre of socialist politics. Why We Can Change the World Stratman, Dave Article 2000 Many good people support the "diversity" concept, because they see it as a way of building unity and respect for each other across cultural divides. But diversity is about "celebrating and respecting ... Why we need the Fourth Communist Workers' International Gorter, Herman Article 1921 The language as well as the composition of the Third International can no longer be distinguished from that of Social Democracy. No longer will it set aside any manifestoes as opportunist; the call to... Worker-Student Action Committees France May '68 ![]() Gregoire, R.; Perlman, F. Book 1969 An account of the May-June 1968 events in Paris. The authors state that "our intention is not to 'clarify' the sequence of events which took place in France in order to make possible a ritual repetiti... Workers Opposition: Solidarity London Pamphlet Kollontai, Alexandra Book 1921 Published in Soviet Russia in January 1921 and banned in March 1921. The World Revolution Gorter, Herman Article 1923 Russia is now a horrible picture with its revolutionary double nature. It lies there like a huge wreck on the shore, broken up by its revolution. There was a moment when a small lifeboat was sent out ... World Revolution 1917-1936: The Rise and Fall of the Communist International James, C.L.R. Book 1937 No major economic or political development in Russia, and few of the minor ones, can be understood, except in relation to the strength of the revolutionary movement in Western Europe, so long dominate... World Revolution and Communist Tactics Pannekoek, Anton Article 1920 World war and rapid economic collapse now make revolution objectively necessary before the masses have grasped communism intellectually: and this contradiction is at the root of the contradictions, he... Writings on the Paris Commune ![]() Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich (Draper, Hal, ed.) Book Hal Draper's compilation of all the writings by Marx and Engels on the Paris Commune of 1871, when a working-class-led revolution took power and established a new type of state for the first time in t... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesAgainst the Current Bi-monthly magazine oriented toward movements for social and economic justice; radical, socialist and feminist in orientation. Anarcho-Syndicalist Review ASR is a forum for non-sectarian, critical, informed and constructive discussion of anarcho-syndicalist theory and practice. We are not affiliated with, sponsored by, or the mouth-piece of any organiz... is the product of international co-operation between anarchist groups and individuals who agree with our editorial statement. It is intended to further communciation, discussion and deba... Black and Red Publishing books and pamphlets with an anti-authoritarian perspective since 1968. Black & Red books record contemporary and historical attempts to lead principled lives. They examine social relations ... Bureau of Public Secrets Articles from a Situationist perspective.
Center for Socialist History A non-profit corporation founded to promote research and publication in the field of the history of socialism. We strongly believe that (to paraphrase) socialists who don't know their own history are ... Freedom Socialist Party The Freedom Socialist Party is a working class organization composed of women and men of many races, nationalities, sexual orientations and ages who are fighting for a new, just social order that will... Insurgent Notes A journal of communist theory and practice.
Quoting Marx and Engels, the editors of Insurgent Notes reiterate that "Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to ... International Socialism A quarterly journal of socialist theory. Internationalist Communist Group - I.C.G. * Communism, the classless society, does not mean the end of history but the beginning of the conscious history of the human species.
* Capitalism, by its universal essence and by the simplification ... Internationalist Perspective Internationalist Perspective is a publication defending Marxism as a living theory, one that can go back to its sources, criticize them, and develop hand in hand with the historical social trajectory. Khukuri A space dedicated to theoretical explorations aiming toward an emancipatory politics. League for the Fifth International The replacement by of capitalist production for profit by socialist production, planned to satisfy human need can be accomplished only by a socialist revolution and the smashing of the capitalist stat... Resource for all people who wish to improve their lives, their communities and their working conditions. We want to discuss with one another, learn from experiences of the past and develop strategies ... Linchpin Paper published by Common Cause, an Ontario anarchist organization that wants to see anarchists active in every town, neighborhood and workplace across Ontario.
A major focus of our activity is work ... A gateway to resources about Marxism compiled by Connexions. Marxists Internet Archive Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
New Democracy Works for democratic revolution. Opposed to the domination of society by a small group of extremely wealthy people who control the big corporations and the government.
News and Letters An organization of Marxist-Humanists standing for the abolition of capitalism, both in its private property form and ins its state property form. We stand for the deveopment of new human relations; wh... People for Democratic Revolution - Boston Something is very wrong about our society today. It should be based on the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." But instead it is based on the opposite: "He who has the ... Red Menace, The The online archive of the libertarian socialist newsletter The Red Menace. Articles on socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, h... Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, was established in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1977 as an independent political/social organization of Afghan women fighting for human right... Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century News, comments, analysis and campaigning from socialist activists based in Britain. Socialismo Libertario Socialismo libertario es una organizaci¢n revolucionaria. Es una propuesta para todo/a aquel/lla que desee colocarse de una manera activa en su propia vida y en la del conjunto de la humanidad, para e... Solidarity A democratic revolutionary socialist, feminist, anti-racist organization which publishes Against the Current magazine.
Solidarity is an independent socialist organization dedicated to forming a bro... Tom Wetzel's home page Wetzel's writing spans a range of topics... from libertarian socialism, anarcho-syndicalism and workers' self-management to unionism, social housing, environmental justice, philosophy, and Los Angeles... Workers Solidarity Alliance Workers Solidarity Alliance is an anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian organization of activists who believe that working people can build a new society and a better world based on the principles of so... Workers' Vanguard Newspaper of the International Communist Leage (Fourth Internationalist). Sources Experts & SpokespersonsCenter for Socialist History A non-profit corporation founded to promote research and publication in the field of the history of socialism. We strongly believe that (to paraphrase) socialists who don't know their own history are doomed to repeat all the old m... Marxists Internet Archive Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
From the Connexions ArchivesAgainst the Current Serial Publication (Periodical) 1986 Bi-monthly magazine oriented toward movements for social and economic justice; radical, socialist and feminist in orientation. Website Mulitlingual site featuring news and analysis from an anarchist-communist perspective.
Autonomy & Solidarity Website An on-line network for anti-capitalists who believe that revolutionary transformation will come from workers and oppressed people self-organizing from below and not from the top down organizing of any... Break Their Haughty Power ![]() Goldner, Loren Website Articles on capitalism, socialism, and revolution, from a left-Marxist perspective.
The International Situation World United Front & Proletarian Revolution Article 1977 These Canadian Marxist-Leninists distinguish themselves from those who they perceive as betrayers of the working class -- namely the Communist Party of Canada and other "phoney" communists. In this p... ![]() Website Resource for all people who wish to improve their lives, their communities and their working conditions. We want to discuss with one another, learn from experiences of the past and develop strategies ... Marxists Internet Archive ![]() Website Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable. New Democracy Internet site Website Supports a democratic revolution to overthrow corporate capitalism, but opposes socialism. Features short articles on labour issues, the deficit, education. The Red Menace ![]() A libertarian socialist newsletter Serial Publication (Periodical) 1975 Articles on topics such as socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, hierarchy, jargon, prostitution, obscenity, science fiction, ... Solidarity Website A democratic revolutionary socialist, feminist, anti-racist organization which publishes Against the Current magazine. |