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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results150 Connexions Library4 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 1 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 11 Sources Library 3 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryAction Will Be Taken: Left Anti-Intellectualism and Its Discontents ![]() Featherstone, Liza; Henwood, Doug; Parenti, Christian Article 2004 Marxism's decline isn't just an intellectual concern -- it too has practical effects. If you lack any serious understanding of how capitalism works, then it's easy to delude yourself into thinking tha... The Activists' Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Participatory Democracy Ricketts, Aidan Book 2012 A guide to grassroots activism. All the World's A Rage? Article 2000 In today's political vocabulary, "direct action" is interpreted to mean any form of action short of marking an 'X' on a ballot. Throwing a brick through a Starbucks window is certainly a direct action... An analysis of the G20 protest and the black bloc Ritch Article 2010 It should be clear that the actions of the black bloc reflect their politics. The actions in Toronto mirror those tactics used elsewhere. The tactics and politics regardless of their intent are inhere... Another World is Possible: Globalization and Anti-capitalism ![]() McNally, David Book 2002 A call-to-arms for progressive activists. McNally argues that capitalism is synonymous with imperialism and fundamentally incompatible with democracy. An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto ![]() Callinicos, Alex Book 2003 An extended argument about what the anti-capitalist movement should stand for. The Art of Activism Tatchell, Peter Article 1997 The unique style of 'protest as performance' pioneered by the queer rights group OutRage! Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca: Connexipedia Article Article An organization that came together in response to the political situation in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, first meeting in June 2006. Athenians Teach a New Lesson in (Workers) Democracy Lerner, Eric Article 2011 The Popular Assembly at Syntagma has been able to go beyond democratic discussion to democratic decisions but the construction of real workers democracy is still under way. While thousands take part i... Berlin's oldest squatters in town defend threatened community centre: Pensioners take a stand against development of their comunity centre Connolly, Kate Article 2012 Dozen of pensioners took over a community centre in the east Berlin suburb of Pankow last month after the local council said the building they had used as a community centre for 15 years had to make w... Bolivia After the Referendum: Against The Current vol. 137 Webber, Jeffery R. Article 2008 The month following Bolivia's recall referendum on August 10, 2008 tragically confirmed the class polarization of that country. The right-wing autonomists of the Santa Cruz, Pando, Beni, Tarija and Su... Burdened with Debt Reloaded: The Politics ofr Devaluation Article 2012 A series of defensive and sectional struggles at workplaces in the private sector reveal that the Greek industrial capital has already taken advantage of the new institutional framework of the “state ... China's Worker Protests: A Second Wave of Labor Unrest?: Against The Current vol. 121 Yan, Wong Kam Article 2006 There has been a 30% rise in collective riots in China in recent years. Whereas in 1993, there were 10,000 reported cases with 700,000 participants, in 2003 it jumped to 60,000 with 3 million partici... Connexions: Volume 10, Number 1 - Spring 1986 - The Arts and Social Change Serial Publication (Periodical) 1986 Connexions Digest: Issue 50 - December 1989 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Connexions Library: Organizing Focus Page ![]() Website Selected articles from the Connexions Online Library. Coxey's Army: Connexipedia Article Article A protest march by unemployed workers from the United States. Declaration of the Occupation of New York City Article 2011 Document accepted by the NYC General Assembly on September 29, 2011. Direct Action for Democracy Tatchell, Peter Article 1999 Direct action protests are about people taking power for themselves, instead of leaving politics to professional politicians. Diversity of Tactics and Democracy Lakey, George Article 2002 To me, a strategy isn't democratic if it intrinsically alienates the majority of oppressed people and shuts the door to their participation. A strategy isn't democratic if it drives away the working c... 'Diversity of tactics' as a justification for violent tactics - a debate, part 1 Davidson-Harden, Adam Article 2010 Do or Die: The people versus development in the Narmada Valley: New Internationalist July 2001 - #336 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2001 A look at the case the Supreme Court of India against The People regarding the Narmada Dam. Do the Greeks get it? Proyect, Louis Article 2012 A word has to be said about the somewhat depressing character of the clash between reformism and ultraleftism in Greece. Radical youth might have a natural prejudice against the KKE and PAME because i... The Domestic War on Protesters: It's Not Just Egypt Thompson, Brad Article 2011 While the US claims to uphold right to demonstrate around the world, there have been countless examples throughout the history of this country of protests being shut down by an overwhelming police pre... Dorothy Day Refuses To Duck-And-Cover Sun, Rivera Article 2016 On June 15th, 1955, Catholic Worker founder Dorothy Day joined a group of pacifists in refusing to participate in the civilian defense drills scheduled on that day. These drills were to prepare the ci... A Drone Protestor Heads to Jail Moyers, Bill Article 2016 Fifty-nine-year-old Mary Anne Grady Flores will serve six months for photographing a protest of an airfield in upstate New York where drone pilots are trained and from where missions are carried out. 84-year-old ex-librarian arrested protesting Kinder Morgan, calls NEB a "sham" Morelli, Peter Article 2014 Barbara Grant criticized the NEB hearings of the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion as a "sham" and spoke out about the danger before crossing the police line to be arrested. At 84, she's the oldest per... Emergence: An Irresistible Global Uprising Notes from Nowhere Collective Article 2003 An Essay from the Book We Are Everywhere. Faces of global resistance: New Internationalist September 2001 - #338 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2001 Discussion of corporate globalization and how some are organizing themselves to resists. Failure To Quit Zinn, Howard Article 1990 Zinn argues that pessimism over the so-called 'me generation' apparent apathy was unfounded, and that activist ideals do consistently carry over across generations. Fight the Power!: A Visual History of Protest Among the English-Speaking Peoples ![]() Wilson, Sean Michael; Dickson, Benjamin; Emerson, Hunt; Spelling, John; Pasion, Adam; cartoons Polyp Book 2013 Throughout history, ordinary people have risen up against oppression and injustice. Fight the Power visualizes 14 key moments in the last 200 years when people across the English-speaking world stood ... Fighting Subpoenas and Gag Orders in Iowa: Against The Current vol. 110 Omidvar, Iraj Article 2004 More than two months have passed since federal officials withdrew the grand jury subpoenas against four peace activists and Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. The withdrawal of the subpoenas and th... Five Days in Seattle: A View from the Ground Dixon, Chris Article 1999 About the 1999 protests in Seattle. Freedom Now Vision Unfinished : Book Review of LeBlanc and Yates's "A Freedom Budget for All Americans" Miah, Malik Article 2014 Miah critiques LeBlanc and Yates' analysis of the Civil Rights Revolution, in light of the fact that the Freedom Budget issued during this time remains unfulfilled. Fuel For Occupy Wall Street's Fire Cooke, Shamus Article 2011 Ultimately, the Occupy Wall Street protests have already succeeded. The movement has successfully re-focused the nation's debate on who ruined the economy and who should be targeted, shifting blame aw... The futility of activism using violence as catharsis Davidson-Harden, Adam Article 2010 The anarchist practitioners of violence are fundamentally elitist. They do violence because it makes them feel good, and they don't care about the fact that it undermines the real work for social chan... Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite ![]() Levine, Bruce E. Book 2011 Levine offers insights into the epidemic of political passivity in America and analyzes how major U.S. institutions have created helplessness and fatalism. He proposes ways of recovering dignity, ener... The Great Strike at UNAM: Against The Current vol. 88 Castillo, Christian Article 2000 The Great Strike of the Mexican National Autonomous University (UNAM), which for more than nine months was occupied by students organized in the Strike General Committee (CGH), started on April 20, 19... Herman's House Bhalla, Angad Singh Film/Video 2012 'What kind of house does a man who has been imprisoned in a six-foot-by-nine-foot cell for over 30 years dream of?' This film captures the remarkable creative journey and friendship of Herman Wallace,... How Israel Silenced its Gaza War Protesters Eldar, Akiva Article 2009 A new report from Adalah shows how the courts and police attempted to stamp out opposition to Operation Cast Lead. How Labor and Climate United Can Trump Trump Brecher, Jeremy Article 2017 Co-operation between labour and climate groups may be possible in the Trump era. How the 'black bloc' protected the G20 Davidson-Harden, Adam Article 2010 The black-clad mob in Toronto has left a lot of people not only in the general public but in the wider nonviolent social/global justice movements in Canada feeling disgusted, demoralized and dispirite... How Ultraleftism Divided UNAM Strike: Against The Current vol. 88 Hearse, Phil Article 2000 MEXICO CITY -- Commandeered buses flying red and black flags and Che Guevara portraits sped through the city on October 2, ferrying students to a demonstration commemorating the 1968 student massacre ... If I Can't Dance ....: Why is the Left So Boring? Rovics, David Article 2008 Rovics asks, why is so much of the left in the US so attached to being so dreadfully boring? Why do so many people on the left apparently have no appreciation for the power and importance of culture? ... Immigrant Students and Workers Take to the Streets: Outpouring in Chicago: Against The Current vol. 122 Feinberg, Joseph Grim Article 2006 In late February, word began to spread around Chicago about a protest against HR 4437, a bill passed by the House of Representatives to criminalize undocumented immigration, as well as aid given to un... In Spain they are all indignados nowadays Ainger, Katharine Article 2013 The indignado protests that flared up two years ago have become a Spanish state of mind. In the Aftermath of the G20: Reflections on Strategy, Tactics and Militancy Whyman, Ritch Article 2010 The tactics of the Black Bloc make it clear that, for them, it is more important to smash windows than to try and march with thousands of workers and engage them in arguments about how to move struggl... Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media ![]() Parenti, Michael Book 1993 Parenti sets out to demonstrate how the news media distort important aspects of social and political life and why they do. Iraq's Torture by Sanctions: Against The Current vol. 91 Finkel, David Article 2001 An interview with Kathy Kelly. Kathy Kelly, organizer for Voices in the Wilderness, has been involved in the struggle around ending sanctions against Iraq for the past decade. David Finkel interviewed... Is that an archive in your basement... or are you just hoarding?: Sources News Release Article 2012 Are you an 'accidental archivist'? Have you been saving the publications and documents produced by the social justice projects you've been involved in? Then Connexions would like to hear from you. Kavita Krishnan: 'Women's Liberation, Everyone's Liberation' Krishnan, Kavita Article 2014 Kavita Krishnan, a socialist organizer and a well-known international spokesperson for the movement against sexual violence in India, speaks on sexual violence, everyday sexism, protest, solidarity, a... Keystone Cops: TransCanada Cultivates Close Ties With Nebraska Police Agencies Federman, Adam Article 2014 Since August 2011, the Nebraska Information Analysis Center (NIAC) – one of more than 70 Department of Homeland Security “fusion centers” – and TransCanada Corporation, the company behind the Keystone... The Labadie Collection Website The Labadie Collection was established in 1911 when Joseph Labadie, a prominent Detroit anarchist, donated his library to the University of Michigan. Although the Collection was originally concerned m... Labour's Day of Protest -- The Issues and the Press Article 1976 An issue sheet examining the biases of the Canadian Press in its coverage of the Oct 14th national Day of Protest against wage and price control policies. Lakota vow: dead or in prison before we allow the KXL pipeline Ibanez, Camila Article 2014 On February 2,7 2014 Oglala Lakota and American Indian Movement activists joined in a four-directions walk to commemorate Liberation Day, an event to mark the 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee. As they do... The language of the unheard Richardson, Brian Article 2018 A book review of "A People's History of Riots, Protest and the Law: The Sound of the Crowd" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) by author Matt Clement. Los Angeles: Assessing D2K Protests: Against The Current vol. 89 Cooper, Louise Article 2000 More than 10,000 activists gathered in LA for the Democratic convention protests August 5-18. The main protest held Monday, August 12 drew around 10,000 activists. Three thousand had gathered for the... Make Sure You Don't Fall: Perspectives on the Recent Social Agitation in Chile, Part One jorgbudrovich Article 2012 Discontent and rage have always been there, but while Social Democracy was in power, the supporters of the regime -- well placed in the open spaces for action and thought in high schools, universities... The Making of Jericho Road: Against The Current vol. 132 Williams, Charles Article 2008 An interview with Michael Honey. The paperback edition of Michael Honey’s Going Down Jericho Road: The Memphis Strike, Martin Luther King’s Last Campaign is released this January 2008. A Marxist History of the World part 100: 1968-1975: the workers' revolt Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 As the crisis of capitalism spread around the world, the working class took centre stage – but the revolt did not result in successful revolution anywhere. A Marxist History of the World part 99: 1968 - the long sleep ends Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 The long sleep of the post-war period was brought to an end in 1968, as revolts erupted across the developed world. Militant Hope in the Age of Trump Giroux, Henry A. Article 2017 Debates over whether Donald Trump was a fascist or Hillary Clinton was a right-wing warmonger and tool of Wall Street were a tactical diversion. The real questions that should have been debated includ... Morality Policing Monbiot, George Article 2010 The police treat protests and festivals as a threat to their power. Morrison, Norman: Connexipedia Article Article Baltimore Quaker best known for committing suicide in an act of self-immolation to protest United States involvement in the Vietnam War. (1933-1965). The Myth of Peaceful Protest: The Patronizing Intransigence of Power Johnson, Allan G. Unclassified 2015 Johnson discusses how peaceful protest is depicted as the way to speak out, and any kind of disorder or defiance of authority is presented not only unacceptable, but unnecessary. The New Student Left: An Anthology Cohen, Mitchell; Hale, Dennis Book 1966 A collection of essays by active participants in the 1960s student movement on American college campuses. A New Wave of Climate Insurgents Defines Itself as Law-Enforcers Brecher, Jeremy Article 2016 Grassroots movement organizations from every continent will hold a global week of action called Break Free From Fossil Fuels in May 2016. They envision tens of thousands of people mobilizing worldwide... No Heroes in Montreal -- Why Endless Protest Does Not a Movement Make McCuen, Heather Article 2012 No matter what you've taken to the streets to oppose - no matter how just your cause - your message gets lost when you don’t engage the community, you don't exercise discipline, or you just start acti... NSW protesters: 'We will break these laws' Mcllroy, Jim Article 2016 "This is a law to protect the rich. We will need to break these laws to protect our democratic rights," Aboriginal activist and lead NSW Senate candidate for the Socialist Alliance team in the federal... Oaxaca protests 2006: Connexipedia Article Article 2006 The Mexican state of Oaxaca was embroiled in a conflict that lasted more than seven months and resulted in at least seventeen deaths and the occupation of the capital city of Oaxaca by the Popular Ass... Obsolete Communism: The Left-Wing Alternative Cohn-Bendit, Daniel; Cohn-Bendit, Gabriel Book 1968 An account of the May 1968 uprising in Paris, positing a left radical alternative to the encrusted beliefs of the old left and the right. A comment on power, on bureaucracy, and on the paths to libera... Occupation of Anicinabe park: The Occupation of Anicinabe Park 1974; Two Interviews Burke, James; Ironstand, Lyle; Cameron, Louis Article 1992 These interviews with Lyle Ironstand and Louis Cameron have been reprinted from Paper Tomahawks: From Red Tape to Red Power by James Burke, published in 1976 by Queenston House Publishing. Occupy!: Scenes from Occupied America Taylor, Astra; Gessen, Keith (eds) Book 2011 An unofficial record of the New York branch of the Occupy movement, Occupy! combines adrenalin-fueled first-hand accounts of the early days and weeks of Occupy Wall Street with contentious debates and... Occupy Wall Street vs. Kingian Methods: Where are the Demands? Gray, Heather Article 2011 The students, the labour unions, the working poor, the immigrants, the activists all over the country should come up with the solutions and make the demands. There can be dangerous consequences in or... Occupy Wall Street - Wikipedia article: Connexpedia article Article 2011 About the demonstrations in New York City, 2011. Occupy Wall Street! Observations from a New York Public Sector Worker Solidarity Member in New York Article 2011 A lot remains to be seen, but if Madison is any indication, upping the ante in this struggle and achieving real results will require more than crowds ... it will require the focused activity of signif... On to Ottawa Trek: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article In 1935, 1500 residents of federal unemployment relief camps in BC went on strike and moved by train and truck to Vancouver, spurred by angry concern for improved conditions and benefits in the camps... On-to-Ottawa Trek: Connexipedia Article Article A 1935 social movement of unemployed men protesting the dismal conditions in federal relief camps scattered in remote areas across Western Canada. One Fine Day Bense, Klaas Film/Video 2011 The documentary One Fine Day, shows six people from different cultures and religions who all, through a small nonviolent act, have had a significant and positive influence on society. Director Klaas ... Organizing that Changed Mississippi: Book Review of Salter Jr.'s "Jackson Mississippi" and Moody's "Coming of Age in Mississippi" Chandler, Bill Article 2014 A review of two books about the Mississippi's civil rights movement in 1965 from the perspectives of an African-American female student and a Native American male professor. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - September 19 2014: Spying, terrorism, and protest Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2014 Coverage of spying, terrorism, and protest. Articles on how the ISIS (Islamic State group) comes to be using American weapons; the U.S. government's secret plans to spy for American corporations; the ... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 21, 2015: A Healthier Planet Diemer, Ulli (editor); Rickwood, Darien Yawching (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 With the start of the growing season in much of the Northern hemisphere, Other Voices digs up articles and resources related to urban agriculture and local food production. Urban agriculture - growing... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 30, 2016: Conflict of interest Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 This issue of Other Voices shines a light on the murky world of conflict of interest, the hidden reality that often underlies appearances of neutrality, objectivity, and due process. Conflicts of inte... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - August 13, 2016: Sports and Politics Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 Sports and politics have always been intertwined, though perhaps never as much so as in the current era. In the modern sports era, survival and success depend largely on the favour of corporations, wh... Paris and London in the 18th Century: Studies in Popular Protest Rude, George Book 1952 Articles relating to popular protests and revolts breaking out in Paris and London during the eighteenth century. Please Stop Chanting That 'We' Won the Popular Vote! Burgis, Ben Article 2017 "We" didn’t win the popular vote, because we weren't on the ballot. We are the ninety-nine percent. Police Unions Sustain Police Violence Epidemic: Since when did we decide that police officers should be above the law? Boardman, William Article 2015 Two of the biggest police unions in the country are now on record in opposition to free speech. They are on record against constitutionally protected free speech that opposes the epidemic of police vi... Political Protest: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Whitaker, Reg Article Political protest is the kind of political activity, eg, demonstrations, strikes and even violence, usually but not always undertaken by those who lack access to the resources of organized pressure gr... The Politics (and Anti-Politics) of Occupy Wall Street Erin Article 2011 At present, the occupation reveals a lot about where people's politicization begins in the United States. The Politics of Nonviolent Action: Part Two: The Methods of Nonviolent Action ![]() Sharp, Gene Book 1973 An encyclopedic treatment of the theory and practice of nonviolence, with a detailed examination of 198 specific methods of the technique — illustrated with actual cases — within the broad classes of ... Prisoners of the Good Fight: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 Geiser, Carl Book This book tells of the hope young Americans had to stop Hitler and Mussolini in Spain, how they were captured, and what happened to them after their capture. It reveals the amazing breaks which allowe... Protest song: Connexipedia Article Article A song which is associated with a movement for social change. Protests of 1968: Connexipedia Article Article The Protests of 1968 consisted of a worldwide series of protests, largely led by students and workers. Push Comes to Shove: The Escalation of Student Protest Kelman, Steven Book 1970 Diary of Kelman's undergraduate years at Harvard during times of SDS-led student protest. Que se vayan todos! Krise und Widerstand in Argentinien Situaciones, Colectivo Book 2003 A collection of essays studying noncapitalist collectivism. Quebecers' right to protest restricted after 2012 "Maple Spring" in Canada Canadian Journalists for Free Expression Article 2013 In 2012, a massive student strike over tuition fee increases rocked Quebec and thousands took to the streets, marching in protest. In the aftermath, Montreal residents find that their ability to prote... Quotes about Activism Unclassified Reclaim the Power! Climate protestors rout security with UK-wide fossil fuel strikes Tickell,Oliver Article 2015 The fossil fuel industry and its political backers have been left reeling by an unprecedented series of direct action strikes against targets across the country to protest at continuing investment in ... Reflections for the US Occupy Movement: From Barcelona's Neighborhood Assemblies Gelderloos, Peter Article 2011 The deeper a struggle’s historical roots, the greater its collective knowledge. Reflections on DC: Promises and Pitfalls in the Anti-Trump Uprising Dimaggio, Anthony Article 2017 The first mass protests of President Donald Trump represent a historic moment – one worth reflecting on so we can understand where we are and where we're going as a nation. Remembering the Earth Day Wall Street Action Messersmith-Glavin, Paul Article 2015 In 1989 the Greens held their national gathering in Eugene, Oregon. That was before they had entered national electoral politics, when they still focused on grassroots organizing, and what we now call... Resist: A grassroots collection of stories, poetry, photos and analyses from the Quebec City FTAA protetst and beyond Chang, Jen; Or, Bethany; Tharmendran, Eloginy; Tsumura, Emmie; Daniels, Steve; Leroux, Darryl Book 2001 A dynamic collection of personal accounts, creative works, reflections, images and analyses about the protests against the FTAA summit that took place in April 2001 in Quebec City. Resistance in China Today Yu, Au Loong; Ruixue, Bai Article 2012 Cases of Resistance in China continue to grow. Protests both large and small are extremely frequent. These range from workers’ protests against unpaid wages and demands for labor rights to protests ag... Rise of the naked female warriors Cochrane, Kira Article 2013 Known for its topless protesters, Femen is a worldwide movement against patriarchy. But are the activists' breasts obscuring the message? Second Nature: The Animal-Rights Controversy Herscovici, Alan Book 1984 Animal-rights advocates argue that humans have no right to kill any animal, whether by hunting or farming or for medical research. Is this a cure for our ecological ills or is it a symptom of the dise... Seeds of Fire: A People's Chronology ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2012 Recalling events that happened on this day in history. Memories of struggle, resistance and persistence. Selma to Montgomery marches: Connexipedia Article Article Three marches in 1965 that marked the culmination of the voting rights movement of the American civil rights movement. Should You March Against Trump? Nair, Yasmin Article 2017 Yasmin Nair addresses the issue of whether or not to march against Donald Trump this week, or in the months and years following. State Department Condemns Attacks on Russian Peaceful Protests, Ignores Those in America Sainato, Michael J. Article 2017 On March 26, the State Department tweeted, "U.S. condemns detention of 100s of peaceful protesters in Russia today. Detaining peaceful protesters is an affront to democratic values." Stop the War: The Story of Britain's Biggest Mass Movement Murray, Andrew and German, Lindsey Book 2005 Strategic Thinking and Organizing Resistance Scipes, Kim Article 2017 Argues the need for strategy and vision, and effective organizing, in forming a resistance movement to the Trump presidency, and provides several suggestions for organizers. Strike Wave Sweeps Brazil La Botz, Dan Article 2011 Workers in Brazil—in heavy industry, services, the public sector, and agriculture—are involved in a series of strikes and mass protests such as the country hasn’t seen in decades. Student Power and the Canadian Campus Reid, Tim; Reid, Julyan Book 1969 A collection of articles about student activism in Canada in the lates 1960s. Student Protest: The Student Radical in Search of issues....or, please don't shoot the Piano Player McGuigan, Gerald F. Book 1968 Summit Protests Are Obsolete Giordano, Al Article 2010 I can understand why a lot of folks went to the G20 protests, sincerely wanting to stand up and be counted against savage global capitalism and its consequences. The problem is, almost nobody who didn... The Sussex University Occupation Article 2013 Interview with Maia Pal during and immediately following the campus occupation against outsoursing at Sussex, England, which was broken up by the police on April 2, 2013. Ten Points for the Occupied Movement Short, Jase Article 2011 Against Wall Street’s culture of economic exploitation, environmental degradation and human oppression we stand together to testify that another world is possible, a decent and humane world, a democra... Time for Civil Disobedience Tatchell, Peter Article 1990 The lesbian and gay movement should be committed to a strategy of non-violent civil disobedience to force the repeal of Britain's discriminatory anti-homosexual laws. Touching a Nerve: No apology for fighting homophobia Tatchell, Peter Article 1993 Defending OutRage!'s decision to campaign against the homophobia of Lord Jakobovits. Toyi-toyi: Connexipedia Article Article A dance that became famous for its use in political protests in the apartheid-era South Africa. Transforming Power: From the Personal to the Political Rebick, Judy Book 2009 Rebick champions new ways of achieving political goals by emphasizing co-operation and consensus over confrontation and partisanship. Tree sitting: Connexipedia Article Article A form of environmentalist civil disobedience in which a protester sits in a tree, usually on a small platform built for the purpose, to protect it from being cut down. The Truth About Kent State: A Challenge to the American Conscience Davies, Peter and The Board of Church and Society Book 1973 An account of the murder of four students at Kent State University by National Guard troops. 2004 Republican National Convention protest activity: Connexipedia Article Article Marches, rallies, performances, demonstrations, exhibits, and acts of civil disobedience in New York City to protest the 2004 Republican National Convention and the nomination of President George W. B... Ukraine's Protest Movement: Is a 'Left Sector' Possible? Budraitskis, Ilya Article 2014 A conversation about the necessity and possibility of a "Left Sector" and its struggle for hegemony in the 2013-2014 Ukrainian protests is important not only in the contemporary Ukrainian context, but... US J20 defendants: 'Waiting is part of the punishment': The first six people have been acquitted, but the 188 remaining Inauguration Day defendants have yet to go to trial. Strickland, Patrick Article 2018 Alleged anti-fascist protestors, controversially arrested at the 2017 US presidential inauguration, await trial and or sentencing in 2018. A View of the Occupy Wall Street Movement from the Inside: A Participant's Critique of the Occupation of Wall Street Tucker, Fritz Article 2011 The Occupy Wall Street movement was supposed to be a revolt against a hierarchal, dehumanizing oligopoly. In reality, all that was created was a microcosm of the same system, but with new leaders. Lik... Wall Street occupation ignites mass movement Bihn, Pham Article 2011 The simple, horizontal structure originally created around a GA using modified consensus has become a barrier to practical and political work by the occupiers and those involved through working groups... Want to Stop Trump? Take a Page From These Dockworkers, and Stop Work Cole, Peter Article 2017 On the day of Donald Trump's inauguration, many Americans wrung their hands. Some took to social media to express their discontent while others protested. But, perhaps, the most dramatic and important... What Makes a Protest Violent? Jacobs, Ron Article 2013 The conversation about protest violence has changed but the essential reality remains: the State and its enforcers (public and private) determine what acceptable violence is and what isn’t. This deter... What Would it Mean to Win? Turbulence collective Book 2010 Where is the movement today? Where is it going? Are we winning? The authors of the essays in this volume pose these and other momentous questions. The Whole World is Watching: Chinese Diggers? Carson, Kevin Article 2011 Thousands of villagers at Wukan, in China’s Guangdong province, are protesting the theft of their communal land by a corrupt local government in collusion with developers. The Whole World Stopped Watching: "Diversity of Tactics", Repression, and the RNC protests in St. Paul, Minnesota (Part I) Duhamel, Phillippe Article 2008 I must engage those of my activist friends who believe in the "Diversity of Tactics" framework, the now established modus operandi of summit and convention protests. I have come to believe a sorry rec... Why is the New York Times promoting the "black bloc"? Van Auken, Bill Article 2017 A New York Times article, which ran across four columns of the newspaper's front page under a huge photo of a black-masked individual preparing to break an office building window with an iron bar duri... Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere: The New Global Revolutions Mason, Paul Book 2012 From London to Cairo, Wisconsin to Tehran, Paul Mason charts new forms of collective action: fluid networks of agile, Twitter- and Facebook-savvy networks of youthful protesters. The events, says Maso... Why we walked out Hasan, Ahmad; Bäck, Danielle Article 2010 Students across the US are protesting a public relations campaign that brings soldiers from the Israeli army to speak on campuses. These tours are an attempt to justify recent war crimes committed by ... The Women's March Was a Dismal Failure and a Hopeful Sign Rall, Ted Article 2017 Despite what pundits said, the Women’s March was not a movement. Nor was it the beginning of a movement. It was a moment: a show of hands: "I'm against Trump," these women (and men) told the world. Qu... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesConnexions Archive & Library The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice.
Connexions preserves 'alternative' histories that r... Marxists Internet Archive Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
News and Letters An organization of Marxist-Humanists standing for the abolition of capitalism, both in its private property form and ins its state property form. We stand for the deveopment of new human relations; wh... Protest.net Protest.Net is a collective of activists who are working together to create our own media. By publishing a public record of our political activities on the web we are taking a stand against the establ... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryCanadian writers protest the detention of Liu Xiaobo Sources News Release 2009 Margaret Atwood, Michael Ondaatje and Nino Ricci and more than 40 members of PEN Canada, the writers' association, have signed a petition on behalf of prominent Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo. Facebook Is Collaborating With the Israeli Government to Determine What Should Be Censored Greenwald, Glenn 2016 Last week, a major censorship controversy erupted when Facebook began deleting all posts containing the iconic photograph of the Vietnamese "Napalm Girl" on the ground that it violated the company's b... Master's student earns top marks for dissent University of Toronto rabble rouser graduates in a gown of protest- but still faces criminal charges from a sit in gone wrong Hammer, Kate 2008 Noam Chomsky: 'No individual changes anything alone' Edemariam, Aida 2013 Noam Chomsky is one of the world's most controversial thinkers. Now 84, he reflects on his life's work, on current events in Syria and Israel, and on the love of his life – his wife. Rio fare protesters seize main station and let commuters travel free Watts, Jonathan 2014 Watts discusses the economic and political impetus for the seizure of Rio de Janeiro's transit stations by the public in a protest against rising fare prices. Russian Censors Falsify Evidence Against Newspaper to Uphold Ban on Political Coverage Rothrock, Kevin 2015 Almost a year ago, the Kremlin's media watchdog agency, Roskomnadzor, warned a series of news outlets against publishing reports about a protest that took place in Siberia on August 17, 2014. Last wee... Self-censorship concerns in Hong Kong after bashing of journalist and protesters Sources News Release 2014 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned that Hong Kong police beat up a journalist and brutally attacked a pro-democracy protester while breaking up a demonstration. With... SUPA, Selma, and Stevenson The Politics of Solidarity in mid-1960s Toronto Churchill, David S 2010 Published in Journal of Canadian Studies, 41 (Spring 2010) Two foreign journalists arrested while covering Greenpeace operation Sources News Release 2009 Reporters Without Borders deplores yesterday#s arrest of two foreign journalists # Kumkum Dasgupta of India and Raimondo Bultrini of Italy # while covering a Greenpeace protest against uncontrolled de... The women of Greenham Common taught a generation how to protest Kidron, Beeban 2013 The women of Greenham Common taught a generation how to protest. Thirty years on, the lessons of their occupation are as relevant as ever. From the Connexions ArchivesMarxists Internet Archive ![]() Website Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable. The Red Menace ![]() A libertarian socialist newsletter Serial Publication (Periodical) 1975 Articles on topics such as socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, hierarchy, jargon, prostitution, obscenity, science fiction, ... |