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  1. An Action a Day
    Keeps Global Capitalism Away

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2004
  2. The Age of Outrage
    Values-based Action and the positive power of public protest

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1997
    Based on direct experience and extensive research including law enforcement reports, public opinion surveys, and ongoing scanning and anaylysis of news and Internet sources, this book reveals the six key values-symbols that trigger public fear and create political and corporate change.
  3. The Art of Activism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1997
    The unique style of 'protest as performance' pioneered by the queer rights group OutRage!
  4. The Art of Negotiating
    Psychological Strategies for Gaining Advantageous Bargains

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1968
    Negotiation cannot be considered a game accord to Nierenberg; everyone must win. If participants were to try to co-operate instead of compete, they would be more likely to reach a lasting, mutually beneficial solution.
  5. Beautiful Trouble - Pocket Edition
    A Toolbox for Revolution

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2014
    Ideas for organizers.
  6. Connexions Library: Organizing Focus Page 
    Resource Type: Website
    Selected articles from the Connexions Online Library.
  7. Counter Power 
    Making Change Happen

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2011
    Argues that no major movement has ever been successful without counterpower, or the power that the "have-nots" can use to remove the power of the "haves." This book sets out to demystify the power dynamics of social change.
  8. Defiance with Freedom in Mind
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1994
    The case for civil disobedience.
  9. The Fire This Time: Burning Bridges
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Some activists hold back from condemning tactics that are politically stupid and destructive, like the recent Ottawa arson attack by an anarchist group, because of a commitment to the doctrine of a 'diversity of tactics'. However, the original idea behind a diversity of tactics, that is, a variety of approaches to organizing for change, has been appropriated by activists devoted to property destruction as a media spectacle, who feel that they should be exempted from criticism by other activists, no matter how much their tactics serve to undermine the building of a broad-based movement against capitalism.
  10. The Householder's Guide to Community Defence Against Bureaucratic Aggression - Review
    A report on Britain's Government Machine

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1972   Published: 1989
    Organizational tactics communities can use to fight projects or developments being foisted on them.
  11. The Householder's Guide to Community Defence Against Bureaucratic Aggression.
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1972
  12. How to Jump-Start Your Union
    Lessons from the Chicago Teachers

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2014
    How to Jump-Start Your Union tells how activists transformed their union and gave members hope. Readers will learn how to run for office, work with their communities, build stewards' networks, train new leaders, run a contract campaign, and strike.
  13. In the Aftermath of the G20: Reflections on Strategy, Tactics and Militancy
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The tactics of the Black Bloc make it clear that, for them, it is more important to smash windows than to try and march with thousands of workers and engage them in arguments about how to move struggles forward or that the problem is capitalism. How radical is it to trash a few windows? For us, radical is about workers gaining confidence and consciousness to fight back, not just at work, but in solidarity with others. Radical is about developing a sense of mass power, organising based on moving others into struggle, winning others to challenge the power in their workplace or community collectively, beyond the individualization of our society. Radical is about going to the roots of the system - not trashing its symbols.
  14. Lessons From Arizona
    Direct Action Organizing From 1999 to Now

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    What we saw in Arizona over the summer showed a new model of organizing, wherein cooperation between people who are dedicated to different tactics as well as space for accountability within the struggle takes centre stage.
  15. Marx et Makhno a la rencontre de McDonald's
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2005
    A Paris, les travailleurs précaires qui sont sortis vaniqueurs de plusieurs grèves en ont perud d'autres avec les honneurs à cause des méthodes à la fois légales et illégales des syndicats et des ultra-syndicalistes.
  16. Marx and Makhno Meet McDonald's 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2005
    Over the last several years, a revolving network of militants in Paris, France, have developed a strategy and tactics for winning strikes by marginal, low-paid, outsourced and immigrant workers against international chains, in situations where the strikers are often ignored by unions to which they nominally belong, or are actually obstructed by them.
  17. New Tactics in Human Rights
    Resource Type: Website
    Featuring innovative tactics that may more effectively advance human rights and end persistent human rights problems. Many innovations have been valuable, yet are not well known outside their regions. The New Tactics in Human Rights project promotes the use and sharing of as wide a range of tactics as possible.
  18. The Next Step for Occupy Wall Street: Occupy Buildings, Occupy Workplaces
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    The occupation movement needs to build on the creative militancy in the streets of thousands of people (as shown in Oakland, Portland, Seattle, New York and elsewhere) to reach out to that large majority which sometimes seems, a block or two from the street battles, to be going about business as usual. The growing number of anti-eviction and anti-foreclosure actions has made that outreach.
  19. 1905 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1922   Published: 1972
    For a number of years, when the reaction was triumphant, the year 1905 appeared to us as a completed whole, as the Russian revolution.
  20. Resource Manual for A Living Revolution 
    A Handbook of Skills & Tools for Social Change Activists

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1977   Published: 1985
    A manual for people who are concerned or angered by the deterioration of our society and who, because they have some sense that their efforts can have an effect on change, are looking for tools to transform it. It is a working reference for those who are prepared to act to create a better life for themselves and others.
  21. Rosa Luxemburg 
    Selected Political Writings

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1972
    A selection of Rosa Luxemburg's writings which highlight her outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of revolutionary socialism.
  22. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2004
    A definitive one-volume collection of Luxemburg's writings.
  23. Rules for Radicals 
    A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1971
    Alinsky's Rules for Radicals provides perspectives, principles and lessons for realistic radical organizers.
  24. Strategy and tactics: how the left can organise to transform society
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2011
    John Rees draws on the experience of recent mass movements and past revolutions to suggest ways in which the left can maximize the effectiveness of all those who want to transform society.
  25. Student Power and the Canadian Campus
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1969
    A collection of articles about student activism in Canada in the lates 1960s.
  26. Summit Protests Are Obsolete
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    I can understand why a lot of folks went to the G20 protests, sincerely wanting to stand up and be counted against savage global capitalism and its consequences. The problem is, almost nobody who didn't participate, especially those who only heard of the protests through the media, has any idea what the protests were about, or why the protesters were there.
  27. Time for Civil Disobedience
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1990
    The lesbian and gay movement should be committed to a strategy of non-violent civil disobedience to force the repeal of Britain's discriminatory anti-homosexual laws.
  28. Tree sitting
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    A form of environmentalist civil disobedience in which a protester sits in a tree, usually on a small platform built for the purpose, to protect it from being cut down.
  29. A Troublemaker's Handbook 2 
    Resource Type: Book
    A manual for workers who want to take control over their lives at work. In hundreds of first-person accounts, workers tell in their own words how they organized and struggled to do that.
  30. When Push Comes to Shove 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    When the police are ordered to move against the OWS demonstrators, we must move to counter the police. Our response should be that workers in all different kinds of jobs act immediately to interrupt business as usual-regardless of what union leaders say or do. For example, transit workers should refuse any request to assist in the transport of individuals who are arrested. Truck drivers should refuse all deliveries to city agencies-other than those providing health care or emergency services. The more interruptions, the better!
  31. Yes, But What Are You For?
    Occupy Wall Street and its Evil Twin, the Tea Party

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    Reading all the accounts of Occupy Wall Street’s theorising in Zuccotti Park can send you to sleep: all academic prose and no real world action or demands. They also make explicit Occupy’s resemblance to its enemy, the Tea Party.

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Mission Connexions ist gedacht für die Unterstützung von Personen und Gruppen, die sich für Freiheit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit einsetzen. Unser anliegen ist es die Aufzeichnungen vom wirken von Menschen und deren Kampf gegen Unterdrückung und für gesellschaftlichen Wandel zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir glauben daran, dass je mehr wir über die Konflikte, Siege und Niederlagen der Vergangenheit und über diejenigen die daran Teilgenommen haben wissen, desto besser sind wir dazu in der Lage eine neue Welt zu gestallten. Connexions verfügt sowohl über einen Bestand an Büchern und Dokumenten und ist außerdem bemüht das bereits bestehende digitale Archiv an Dokumenten weiter auszubauen. Wir arbeiten daran einen weiten Themenbereich abzudecken, der eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Ansichten und Herangehensweisen für Gesellschaftlichen Wandel umfasst, alles mit dem Grundsätzlichen anliegen der Unterstützung der Demokratie, Bürgerrechte, freie Meinungsäußerung, Menschenrechen, Säkularität, Gleichheit, wirtschaftlichen Gerechtigkeit, ökologisches Verantwortungsbewusstsein und dem erschaffen und dem erhalt von Gemeinschaft. Wir sind International orientiert, allerdings haben wir als kanadisches Projekt eine besonders große Auswahl an kanadischen Dokumenten und Informationen über kanadische Organisationen.