
Connexions Calendar

Ryerson: Student Struggles in Quebec and Around the World, featuring Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

October 01, 2012

Featuring Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, Cloé Zawadzki-Turcotte, Valentina Latorre, Tina Treviño-Murphy & Rodney Diverlus
Opening forum of the 2nd Annual Ryerson Social Justice Week
Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois
- former spokesperson, CLASSE, Coalition large de l'Association pour la Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante, Quebec
Cloé Zawadzki-Turcotte
- former executive member, CLASSE, and a key organizer of the Quebec Student Strike
Valentina Latorre
- vice-president, Student Federation of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Tina Treviño-Murphy
- member, Student Labor Action Coalition, Wisconsin
Rodney Diverlus
- president, Ryerson Students' Union
Ethan Cox
-'s Quebec correspondent and a former student organizer
Students in Quebec made international headlines when they went on strike to stop a 75% tuition fee increase. In what became the longest student strike in Canadian history, Quebec students resisted police repression and a government-led attack on civil liberties. In the process, they inspired a solidarity movement across Quebec and Canada.
In response to the social crisis provoked by the strike, Quebec premier Jean Charest called a snap election in August - and lost. On September 20, the incoming government cancelled the fee increase and scrapped Charest's anti-protest law - a total victory of the students' demands.
Join us for this historic meeting, to hear leaders of the Quebec Student Strike discuss

Time: 6:30-9:00 PM
Venue: Ryerson University, Ted Rogers School of Management
Location: 55 Dundas Street West Toronto, ON
For information contact:
Categories: Government & Public Sector

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