
Connexions Calendar

Rally: Families & Friends against Police Terror!

February 04, 2012

Hamilton Copwatch and the families and friends of those healing from the trauma of police terror and brutality are calling on you to take to the streets in solidarity with the message that THIS ENDS NOW!
In response to the events of December 13th, wherein which Pamela Markland and her six kids (8 to 21) were terrorized by a paramilitary-style police invasion of their home as part of the Toronto Police-led "Project Marvel" raids in our city, we say NO MORE!
The Toronto Police who entered our city streets and broke down the doors of Hamilton residents at the crack of dawn in December were acting within the jurisdiction of the Hamilton Police Services. In the case of Pamela's family, heavily armed police forcefully poured into their home and handcuffed Pamela and her children at gun point. Police tossed a stun grenade at Pamela and her 9 year old autistic son Isaiah, leaving burns on the mother's foot. Officers produced a search warrant but we say their violent actions were completely unwarranted!
While Toronto and Hamilton Police allege that there was sufficient evidence to connect Pamela and her kids to the activities of a youth gang in Toronto, no charges or arrests were made following the raid. The family has been uprooted from their home and forced to seek refuge in shelters as a result of the terror inflicted upon them by so-called "public servants." We say that the police are the ones guilty of violence!

Time: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Venue: City of Hamilton
Location: 71 Main St W Hamilton, ON
For information contact:
Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal

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