
Connexions Calendar

Tommy Douglas put Canada's Healthcare on the Wrong Path

January 25, 2012

Did Canada take a wrong turn in the 1960s when, with Saskatchewan leading the way, it created a system of universal public health insurance? Was Canadian "medicare" a great step forward in the provision of a fundamental social service - Canada’s biggest and best social program? Or did it become a bloated albatross, a bureaucratic approach to health care that created inefficiencies, rationing, and mediocrity? Was Tommy Douglas, father of the distinctive Canadian approach to health care, actually the greatest Canadian, or was he a deluded socialist?

Moderator: J.L. Granatstein

Speaking for the motion will be Michael Bliss, University Professor emeritus at the University of Toronto who has long been one of Canada’s most prolific and prominent historians. He has written very widely in the history of medicine, about Canadian politics, and on current Canadian issues, including health care. He is currently president of the American Osler Society and has recently published a memoir, Writing History: A Professor’s Life.

Speaking against the motion will be Greg Marchildon, who holds the Canada Research Chair at the Johnson-Shoyama School of Public Policy, University of Regina. Dr. Marchildon served as the CEO of the Romanow Royal Commission on Health Care and has extensively written and spoken on the key issues facing Canada's medicare.

Cost: Public $25.00, Member $20.00

Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Venue: Royal Ontario Museum, Samuel Hall Currelly Gallery
Location: 100 Queen's Park Toronto, ON
Categories: Health/Health Care

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