Exhibit: Stitching for Peace and Justice

Connexions Calendar

Exhibit: Stitching for Peace and Justice

June 03, 2010

Reception: Thursday, June 3, 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Exhibit until Wednesday, June 23

Co-sponsored with Trinity St. Paul’s United Church and Winchevsky Centre

For more than thirty years, Sima Elizabeth Shefrin, has made quilts about real people and their struggles and celebrations. She aims to create art work that is honest, hopeful and beautiful.

The exhibit brings together a range of projects and workshop facilitated by Sima centred around Palestine and Israel. The most recent is a series of three workshops held in spring 2007 in which children and women created fabric self-portraits along with messages they wished to send to their North American counterparts.

Sima Elizabeth Shefrin is an artist and quilter who has been researching and practicing political stitchery for over 25 years. In 1999 she was the artist-coordinator of the Middle East Peace Quilt which has toured all over North America. She has worked for 18 years teaching and participating in peer counseling and listening projects. She is a member of the Palestinian/Jewish women for peace dialogue group.

Co-sponsor websites: www.winchevskycentre.org and www.trinitystpauls.ca

Space is limited, to register online please visit our reservations page

Need to know:
- Admission is free (donations gratefully accepted)
- Doors open at 6:45 pm
- Sorry, not wheelchair accessible

Tasty refreshments (non-alcoholic) and oliveoil+za'atar dipping.

Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham Street Toronto, ON
Website: http://www.beitzatoun.org
For information contact: info@beitzatoun.org
Phone: 647.726.9500

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