
Connexions Calendar

Launch of 'Deep Diversity: Overcoming Us. Vs. Them', by Shakil Choudhury

October 05, 2015

What if our interactions with those different from us are strongly influenced by things happening below the radar of awareness, hidden even from ourselves? Deep Diversity explores this question and argues that "us vs. them" is an unfortunate but normal part of the human experience due to reasons of both nature and nurture.

If you're someone who:

-is confused why organizational diversity efforts are often stalled or thwarted;
-has been part of anti-racism trainings that have gone south;
-cares about creating more inclusive workplaces and society where strong relationships across difference are possible...
-is horrified by the recent slew of police shootings in Charleston, Ferguson and Baltimore;
-is upset about the issue of missing and murdered aboriginal women being ignored for so long;

Then this book is for you!

Deep Diversity seeks to reframe the debate regarding racism and systemic discrimination in a practical, scientific and compassionate manner. In the author's own words, "this book is a culmination of twenty years of my experience teaching and learning from thousands of people across four continents, one emotional burnout in my early thirties, and a childhood in smalltown Canada pretending I was white."

Time: 5:30-8:30 pm
Venue: Centre for Social Innovation
Location: 720 Bathurst Street Toronto, ON
Categories: Arts & Culture

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The Calendar is a joint project of Connexions Information Sharing Services and SOURCES. SOURCES helps organizations publicize their issues, get media attention, and send out unlimited media releases: to learn about becoming a SOURCES member see this page or the online form.

Terms of Use: Connexions and the Connexions Calendar exist to support individuals and organizations working for freedom and social justice. We try to feature a wide variety of events and resources reflecting a diversity of viewpoints and approaches to social change within our overall mandate of support for democracy, civil liberties, freedom of speech, universal human rights, secularism, equality, economic justice, environmental responsibility, and the creation and preservation of community. Connexions reserves the right to decline listings on the basis of appropriateness or quality, or if in our judgement they conflict with our policies against hatred, racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism or other forms of discrimination such as those based on gender, sexual orientation, age, and ethnicity.