
Connexions Calendar

Stop Shock Now

May 16, 2015

On May 16 the Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault (CAPA) is organizing a public protest against electroshock (ECT) at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in Toronto.

This protest and many others are being held simultaneously in over 25 cities in the United States, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand and Uruguay -- an International Day of Protest in honour of and inspired by the life and work of the late Leonard Roy Frank, courageous shock survivor, fearless anti-psychiatry activist and brilliant researcher and writer who suddenly died last January.

For Frank and thousands of other shock survivors and activists, electroshock was and still is a devastating and harmful procedure, always memory destroying and brain-damaging; Leonard once renamed this atrocity "ECB - electroconvulsive brainwashing."

The APA actively promotes ECT and holds continuing education courses, funded by Big Pharma, at all its annual meetings. The APA claims, "Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a safe and effective evidence-based medical treatment."

We urge CAPA members, shock survivors, antipsychiatry activists, social justice activists, human rights advocates, academics, and concerned citizens to join our Toronto protest in front of the Sheraton Centre Hotel. Assemble at 1pm at "The Archer" statue in Nathan Phillips Square in front of City Hall; at 1:15-1:30pm, we march to the Sheraton. We need your support. Please join us to protest in solidarity.

Time: 1:15 pm
Venue: Sheraton Centre Hotel
Location: Queen Street West opposite City Hall Toronto, ON
Categories: Health/Health Care

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