
Connexions Calendar

'Money Logging": Book Launch with author Lukas Straumann

November 11, 2014

'Money Logging' investigates the environmental crime of the massive destruction of the Borneo rainforest by Malaysian loggers. Lukas Straumann searches not only the lost forests and the people who used to call them home, but also the network of criminals who have earned billions through illegal timber sales and corruption. Straumann singles out Abdul Taib Mahmud, current governor of the Malaysian state of Sarawak, as the kingpin of this Asian timber mafia, while he shows that Taib's family have profited to the tune of 15 billion US dollars. Money Logging tells of a people who have lost their home to a wasteland of oil palm plantations, pollution, and corruption - and how they hope to take it back.
A historian by training, Lukas Straumann is the executive director of the Bruno Manser Fund, a human rights and environmental organization that champions the rights of the indigenous peoples of Borneo.

Time: 7:00 p.m.
Venue: 251 Bank St. 2nd Floor
Location: Ottawa, ON
For information contact: Octopus Books
Categories: International

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