
Connexions Calendar

TPFF Screening at AGO: Forbidden Pilgrimage

October 02, 2014

Subtitles: The documentary Forbidden Pilgrimage shines a light on the Christians of Palestine and the threat to their survival in the Holy Land. Currently, more than two million Christian pilgrims visit the Holy Land annually and the numbers increase every year. These tours are primarily organized by Israeli tour operators who steer the pilgrims away from biblical sites in the West Bank and Palestinian communities located in their vicinity. Pilgrims are also instructed to fear the Palestinians living in these areas. The result is a drastic reduction in economic activity in towns that were once bustling with visitors.
The film shares the passionate views of Palestinian priests, a Christian tour operator and a British writer who expose the discrimination against Palestinians, their places of worship and their Christian history. It also highlights the obstacles faced by Christian pilgrims attempting to visit sacred sites in Palestine.
Cost: $10

Time: 9:00 p.m.
Venue: Dundas and McCaul
Location: Toronto, ON
Categories: International

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