
Connexions Calendar

Tunes against Tar Sands - Dam Line 9!

August 09, 2014

On Saturday afternoon, a number of radical music makers are putting on a show at the Dam Line 9 blockade. Please join us for a fun day in the sun!
This blockade is stopping Enbridge from completing the work that needs to be done before the flow of toxic tar sands and Bakken crude is turned on. Let's stop them from completing this work everywhere we can.
Line 9 passes through or close to 18 First Nations communities, many of whom say there were not consulted, as required by the Canadian Constitution.
Support Dam Line 9
You can support Dam Line 9 in a bunch of different ways:
Come out to the site
We could always use more folks down at the site. Whether for a couple of days or a couple of hours. We have food and are quite charming. For the location and directions, check here.
And if you’re able to drive here, let us know so we can co-ordinate with people in your town to fill your car with more people. Email if you can offer a ride or text 647-233-1078.
We need lots of things to keep this occupation going. Any water, food, or other supplies you could offer would be greatly appreciated. There’s a chance we may need a little bit of money before too long.
Spread the Word!
Talk to your friends, family, loved ones, and strangers about what’s happening with the tar sands and the Line 9 pipeline. Spread our posts on facebook, twitter and tumblr

For information contact:
Phone: 647-233-1078 (text)
Categories: Environment

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