
Connexions Calendar

Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund

April 26, 2015

Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund (JNF)
A film by Alex Safron

Special Guests: Alex Safron and Rehab Nazzal

Enduring Roots is a 40-minute documentary that highlights the historical process by which the JNF uses international charitable donations to fund the continued theft and settlement of Palestinian land for Jewish-only use under the guise of environmentalism. This is enacted by planting forests of rapid-growth, invasive tree species over Palestinian villages in order to cover up the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and prevent Palestinians from returning.

Enduring Roots chronicles stories of al-Nakba survivors, interviews with their descendants about the case of refugee return, and current and growing resistance to the ongoing colonization of Palestine by the Jewish National Fund.

Admission of $15, includes a light meal
This event is a fundraiser for Stop the JNF's Land Defense Delegation to Palestine from May 31 to June 6.

Need to know:
- Doors open at 2:50
- Accessible on demand via portable ramp; washrooms not accessible
- Please avoid using strong-scented products due to sensitivities

Time: 3pm
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham St. Toronto, ON
For information contact:
Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives

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