
Connexions Calendar

Ecuador vs. Chevron: Legal Battle and Beyond

April 15, 2015

Chevron Corporation has committed unspeakable human rights crimes and environmental devastation against Ecuadorean Indigenous peoples and the Amazon rainforest. So far they have gotten away with it.

Recent developments in the over 20 years legal battle make this a critical time. On December 11th, the Supreme Court of Canada held a hearing related to the case against Chevron Corporation and the Indigenous plaintiffs and a final ruling is expecting this fall 2015.

Please attend an event to provide an update about the current legal case in Canada, the recent victory at the Hague Court and also to share information about the caravan to Washington DC, planned for April 20th, 2015.

Many groups have already endorsed and participated in our successful workshop model including: UFCW Canada, CUPE Ontario, OSSTF, the People’s Social Forum, Canadian Federation of Students, Law Union of Ontario and the Two Row Society among other organizations and grassroots collectives. Book your workshop today.

The arbitration tribunal from The Hague, Nederland will meet in Washington DC to gather more information on the arbitration between Ecuador VS Chevron. Through the tribunal Chevron is seeking to have the Ecuadorian government pay the Indigenous communities rather than make reparations themselves.
Therefore, we are asking for your endorsement and support. Below is some background and outline of this precedent setting legal situation.

You can support this campaign by:
- Endorsing personally or through your organization.
- Joining us and travel to Washington, DC for April 20th.
- Donating to support the campaign and cover expenses to travel to Washington, DC.

Signing up for our newsletter and promoting the campaign through your own networks (Facebook, Twitter, Email, etc.)

Justice for these communities is long overdue and reparation of the damage in the Amazon is urgent. Please support the “Chevron’s Dirty Hand” campaign and stay in touch.

Written by,

Committee in Solidarity with the Affected Communities by Chevron in Ecuador

Twitter: @ChevronsDirty
FB: Chevron’s Dirty Hand

Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham St. Toronto, ON
For information contact:
Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives

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