
Connexions Calendar

$15 & Fairness! Downtown Toronto Rally at Ministry of Labour

April 15, 2015

Through province-wide organizing, the Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage made major gains winning an increase to the minimum wage and indexation to inflation in 2014. But we know that workers need more than that to be lifted out of poverty, have decent jobs and live healthy lives. So we're taking our fight to the next level and launching the Fight for $15 and Fairness!

Our fight is part of a larger movement that is gaining momentum across North America. April 15 is a global day of action in the Fight for $15. Workers will be walking off the job in over 100 U.S. cities, with solidarity actions in 40 countries around the world.

Community and labour groups across Ontario are organizing actions for $15 and fairness.

Time: 12:30 PM
Venue: Ministry of Labour
Location: 400 University Avenue Toronto, ON
Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions

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