
Connexions Calendar

EPA To The Pentagon - Stop Environmental Ecocide

April 22, 2015

Get involved in this action organized by the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance:

-Join us April 22 in Washington, DC at the EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave,. at 10:00 am, then taking public transportation to the Pentagon.

-Sign letters below to Gina McCarthy, head of the EPA, and Ashton Carter, Secretary of Defense. You can sign the letter with your name, city, and any organizational affiliations even if you are not able to attend the action on April 22. Contact

-Would you be willing to risk arrest for this cause? NCNR is a group of people who at times are led to risk arrest when confronting elected and appointed officials of crimes committed by our government. Our actions are consistent with the First Amendment and are in keeping with great peacemakers like Gandhi, King, Day, the Berrigans, and countless others who live and act on principles of nonviolence for justice with peace. Contact or if you will risk arrest or would like more information.

Venue: EPA
Location: 1200 Pennsylvania Ave Washington, DC
Categories: Environment

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