
Connexions Calendar

Biography Work as Social Healing

April 16, 2015

A talk by Christopher and Signe Schaefer

In the field of human development, biography work, based in Anthroposophy is being enthusiastically taken up and applied with great success in such fields as counselling, coaching, self-development work, leadership training, work with seniors. What is Biography work? How does it provide an answer to greatly needed healing impulses in our time?

Christopher and Signe Schaefer will share their experiences and insights about the practice of biography work in deepening self-knowledge, fostering healthy relationships and building community integrity. The talk will be accompanied by short exercises.

Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham St. Toronto, ON
For information contact:
Categories: Arts & Culture

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