
Connexions Calendar

Nature of Cities - free screening & discussion

April 14, 2015

The Nature of Cities, a one hour documentary, follows the journey of Sustainable Communities Professor Timothy Beatley as he explores urban projects around the world, representing the new green movement that hopes to move our urban environments beyond sustainability to a regenerative way of living.

The film explores our need that, even as we become more urbanized, we must reclaim an essential piece of our humanness - our connection to the nature around us.
Professor Beatley tours the amazing projects at cities around the globe - Austin, San Diego, Malmo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Freiburg, Amsterdam and Paris - with City Planners, Landscape Architects, Ecologists and Residents.

Commentary by Richard Louv (Last Child in the Woods) and Dr. Stephen Kellert (Biophilic Design) provide the background for looking at the living possibilities of how we can be in an urban environment integrated with the nature around us.

Time: 6:15 - 8:15 PM
Venue: Runnymede Library
Location: 2178 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON
Categories: Environment

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