
Connexions Calendar

Acting Locally Against Global Warming - What We Can Do

March 25, 2015

Please join us for this special Green Neighbours 21 "Open Space" meeting - and bring your ideas!

This year we've made climate change the focus of all our meetings. We've read and talked and learned a lot along the way, but the aim has always been to do something -- to launch effective new local ways to fight this global emergency. Now it's time to make some plans.

To help us do that we'll be dive into a fun and surprising process known as "Open Space" that's been very effective in helping groups identify goals and launch projects that reflect everyone's shared concerns. Since there will be no prior agenda, the ideas we consider will be the ones you bring, while those we end up pursuing will be the ones that generate the most interest.

We'll start by explaining the process, so please try to be on time.

Please join us for this event! We've heard some great ideas at recent meetings, but which ones will beome real projects? This is where we'll find out, and the answer depends on you!

Time: 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: St. Matthews Church
Location: 729 St. Clair Ave. West Toronto, ON
For information contact:
Categories: Environment

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