
Connexions Calendar

Climate and Capitalism: Climate Change Impacts on the Global South

March 15, 2015

Climate change is already catastrophic for countless people around the world, especially in parts of the Global South. Some residents of low-lying Island States in the Pacific Ocean are already having to move to other countries as a result of rising sea levels. Water is also rising in Bangladesh, swallowing up coastal areas and contaminating fertile land. In East Africa changing sea surface temperatures have disrupted seasonal rains and lead to severe droughts while West Africa is experiencing rising temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns which are threatening agriculture. Southern Africa is similarly seeing rising temperatures, below-normal rainfall, and droughts. Meanwhile, South Asia and South East Asia have been subjected to extreme weather events that have killed and displaced tens of thousands of people, with more severe climate impacts on the way.

These developments are revealing all too starkly the limits of neoliberal development strategies of building capitalism. There is a pressing need to turn to ecologically-responsible production and egalitarian development.

Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham St. Toronto, ON
Categories: Environment

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