
Connexions Calendar

Toronto: #ShutDownCanada

February 13, 2015

We have chosen to go with a peaceful & calm assembly with the purpose of raising public awareness and sharing knowledge with passersby. WE WILL BE HANDING OUT PAMPHLETS, SHOWING VIDEOS, ETC. ON THE ISSUE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION WITHIN CANADA DUE TO CORPORATE PROFIT & CAPITALISM. There have been many blockades, marches, rallies downtown within the last couple months - we figured a change in tone would be nice, and we want to draw people in rather than intimidate them. We want to be interactive, interesting, and APPROACHABLE.

We are here to show our solidarity and support for the warriors who continue to selflessly protect the lands of Turtle Island that are being abused and molested for corporate profit. We acknowledge we are sitting on unceded territory belonging to the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation. We need to bring public awareness to the abuse that plagues Mother Earth, the struggles that her protectors face, and the oppressions set upon the Indigenous peoples of this country. We need to make these protests heard loud and clear, and demand change before it is too late.

Time: 6:00 am - 6:00 pm
Venue: Yonge and Dundas Square
Location: 1 Dundas Street East Toronto, ON
Categories: Native Peoples

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