
Connexions Calendar

Burying Nuclear Waste in Ontario?

February 07, 2015

There has been much concern and mobilization to stop the plan to bury low and intermediate level nuclear waste next to Lake Huron. But what about the high level nuclear waste? Industry hopes to bury it too, they just don't know where yet.

Currently, there are 13 communities in ON and SK involved in the 'Learn More' process with the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), including one just NW of Toronto. The final promise is a $20 billion dollar construction project to bury at least 4.6 million used fuel bundles.

There are significant critiques about burying nuclear waste, and a history of failures for the industry. Come hear from frontline voices who have been resisting both the creation of nuclear waste, and the burial.

Speakers include:
* Brennain Lloyd, Northwatch
* Lorraine Rekmans, Serpent River First Nation
* Chris Peabody, Brockton Town Councillor
* Angela Bischoff, Ontario Clean Air Alliance

Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Venue: St. Stephens in the Field Church
Location: 103 Bellevue Avenue Toronto, ON
For information contact:
Categories: Environment

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