
Connexions Calendar

LNG, Fracking and Nanaimo's energy future

January 28, 2015 to January 27, 2015

With up to 18 liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals proposed for the coast of B.C., there is growing concern and opposition from communities across the province as the true impacts of fracking and LNG come to light. Why put communities and the climate at risk, and threaten B.C.'s drinking water, rivers and ocean, wild salmon, air quality, farmlands and wilderness areas for a dangerous LNG pipe dream?

From the frackfields of northeastern B.C. and the many fracked gas pipelines and LNG terminals vying for approval in the northwest, to the proposed LNG projects and supertankers closer to home in Howe Sound, Delta, Campbell River and Alberni Inlet, come learn about the true impacts of LNG and what you can do to protect your community and the coast.

The Mid Island Chapter of the Council of Canadians invites you to a town hall meeting for a discussion on the ramifications of fracking and LNG development.


Damien Gillis is a Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist with a focus on environmental and social justice issues, especially relating to water, energy, and saving Canada's wild salmon..

Dr. Eoin Fin
is a retired KMPG partner, with a PhD in physical chemistry and an MBA international business. He is a 30-year resident of Bowyer Island in Howe Sound and is actively involved with the Future of Howe Sound Society and My Sea to Sky.

Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Venue: Beban Park Community Centre
Location: 2300 Bowen Road Nanaimo, BC
Categories: Mining & Petroleum

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