
Connexions Calendar

Environmental Justice, the Tar Sands, and Indigenous Rights

February 01, 2015

Heather Milton Lightening, Indigenous Tar Sands Campaign
Keith Stewart, Climate & Energy Campaign Coordinator, Greenpeace Canada
Anna Zalik, Professor, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University

Tar Sands extraction projects, located primarily in Treaty 6 and 8, have radically damaged and contaminated a huge area of land in so-called Alberta, and poisoned the Athabasca watershed. As a result of the toxic operations, some Indigenous communities are experiencing unusually high rates of rare cancers and other illnesses. Traditional ways of life are also at risk as hunting, fishing, and collecting medicinal plants is becoming more difficult in polluted waters and lands.

These lands are the traditional territories of a number of Indigenous Nations whose right to hunt, fish, and live are protected by Treaties, which are currently being violated.

Moreover, the tar sands are significantly contributing to catastrophic climate change, the effects of which are being felt around the world through extreme weather events. The tar sands are Canada's biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions as well as the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. At a time when many countries are moving towards renewable and green energy alternatives, Canada is continuing to push for Tar Sands expansion.

Time: 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham Street Toronto, ON
Categories: Environment

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