
Connexions Calendar

Out in the Night: Cinema Politica season opener with special guests

February 03, 2015

Cinema Politica at The Bloor is back and ready to launch 2015 with OUT IN THE NIGHT, a riveting doc about intersectional and prison justice as well as homophobia and black queer identity in the States. Co-presented with Inside Out LGBT Film Festival and co-sponsored by Point of View Magazine.

Blair Doroshwalther / United States / 2014 / 75 ' / English

OUT IN THE NIGHT is a documentary that tells the story of a group of young friends, African American lesbians who are out, one hot August night in 2006, in the gay friendly neighborhood of New York City. They are all in their late teens and early twenties and come from a low-income neighborhood in Newark, New Jersey. Two of the women are the focus - gender non-conforming Renata Hill, a single mother with a soft heart and keen sense of humor, and petite femme Patreese Johnson, a shy and tender poet.

As they and their friends walk under the hot neon lights of tattoo parlors in the West Village, an older man sexually and violently confronts them. He says to Patreese "let me get some of that" as he points below her waist. When she says that they are gay, the man becomes violent and threatens to "fuck them straight". He spits and throws a lit cigarette. Renata and Venice defend the group and a fight begins, captured by security cameras nearby.

As the fight comes to an end, all get up and walk away. But 911has been called and the man involved has been stabbed. Police swarm to the scene.

Time: 6:00 - 8:30
Venue: Bloor Cinema
Location: 506 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON
Categories: Arts & Culture

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