
Connexions Calendar

Cinematic Activism: A Masterclass with Velcrow Ripper

December 07, 2014

"Velcrow Ripper is a lot like his movies - friendly, hopeful, full of electrifying ideas." ~ Liz Braun, Toronto Sun
Filmmaker Velcrow Ripper is an acclaimed artist whose documentary work examines the intersection between politics and spirituality and has won awards at prestigious international festivals including Hot Docs and the Toronto International Film Festival. He describes his work as "cinematic activism" and draws on his roots as an experimental filmmaker to inject an element of art and design that many message films lack. Join Velcrow for a full-day master-class, where he will share his philosophies on making documentaries more impactful by simultaneously engaging an audience's eyes, hearts and minds. Topics to be explored include the power of sound design, artful cinematography, the use of visual metaphor, documentary as a tool of inner and social transformation, and engaging audiences through social media. Workshop attendees will be invited to submit materials for a documentary which they are developing, and three of these packages will receive direct feedback and evaluation from Ripper during the session.

Time: 10.00 am
Venue: 300 - 1131 Howe
Location: Vancouver
Categories: Arts & Culture

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