
Connexions Calendar

Black Friday Walmart Protests

November 28, 2014 to November 29, 2014

The Walmart nearest you. Just 30-45 minutes will do the trick.

Workers at Walmart want the company to publicly commit to paying them for their hard work, but a select few behind the country’s largest employer are robbing them of a decent living. The Waltons (who own Walmart) choose to ignore what’s happening to workers – and their families – as Walmart manipulates schedules and hours to pay the majority of its workers less than $25,000 a year. The Waltons are focused on growing their $150 billion in wealth while turning a blind eye to the hundreds of thousands of workers unable to feed and clothe their families or provide them with basic financial security.

Across the country, workers and their supporters are delivering petitions to the Waltons that call on Walmart to publicly commit to pay workers a minimum of $15 an hour and provide consistent, full-time work.


Show up on Black Friday at a Walmart near you to send Walmart a message. It could be you, you and a few friends, or you could recruit 20 people to have a rally with you if you’re ambitious! Post your action on the Action Network and invite others to join. It is possible that others from your community will come join you!

Once people RSVP to your event, simply email them and coordinate plans like a meet up location. Visit Action Network for materials and tools.

Time: sometime between 7 and 10 AM
Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions

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