
Connexions Calendar

TTCriders end-of-year celebration fundraiser

December 04, 2014

Celebrate our 2014 successes with TTCriders members and friends.

TTCriders Transit Champion or Transit Troll award - who is your choice?

Unsung hero. Public figure. Nominate someone before 4 pm on Tuesday, Nov 11. TTCriders will shortlist nominees, and then get the public to vote for their top choice. The award winners will be announced, recognized and appreciated on the night of the fundraiser at Beit Zatoun. You can nominate someone by purchasing ticket to attend our fundraiser, or you can use the form on our website below.

-Be the first to hear about our exciting 2015 plans
-Enjoy the Transit Champions and Transit Trolls awards ceremony
-Enter the raffle to win a January TTC Metropass and appreciate a month of free TTC rides.

Time: 5:30PM - 7:30PM
Venue: 612 Markham St.
Location: Toronto, ON
For information contact: Beit Zaitoun
Phone: 647-726-9500
Categories: Transportation & Travel

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