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  1. Blair: Bombing Iraq Better. Again
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    The authors critique the British media's coverage of a new essay by Tony Blair which attempts to justify the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.
  2. Breaking The Silence: Truth And Lies In The War On Terror
    Resource Type: Film/Video
    First Published: 2003
    'Breaking The Silence: Truth And Lies In The War On Terror' was screened six months after the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 and two years after the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001. The film dissects the truth and lies behind the 'War on Terror', investigating the discrepancies between American and British justification for 'war' and the facts on the ground in Afghanistan and Washington DC.
  3. The Case for Staying in Iraq
    Against The Current vol. 122

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    I don't support an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, because I think it would probably make an already bad situation much worse. Of course, there's no guarantee that continuing the occupation will succeed in allowing some form of stability to take hold—particularly if our military forces simply "stay the course" of brutality evidenced in Fallujah, Abu Ghraib, and the training of Iraqi death squads. However, I believe it offers the best chance for the chaotic forces now at work in Iraq to settle, over time, into some type of a coherent nation.
  4. A Coalition of the Killing
    War, media, propaganda and language

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2003
    War, media, propaganda and language.
  5. A Comparative Review of Flat Earth News and Newspeak 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    A comparative review of two recent books about the media, one a mainstream view, the other using the propaganda model of media control.
  6. Connexions Digest
    Issue 53 - January 1991- A Social Change Sourcebook

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1991
  7. Double Standards
    Resource Type: Website
    Focusing on double standards in the media and in international politics. "Double Standard 1. a rule or principle applied more strictly to some people more than others (or oneself)."
  8. An Empire of Lies
    Why Our Media Betray Us

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    Contrary to its avowed aim, mainstream journalism invariably diminishes the impact of new events when they threaten powerful elites.
  9. Empire of Lies and Torture
    Against The Current vol. 111

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2004
    The prohibition of torture in international conventions is absolute. There are no exceptions for so-called "ticking bombs," for "high-value terrorists" or "illegal enemy combatants" or similar improvised fictions—or for extraterritorial prison camps (Guantanamo) where the jailers exercise absolute power but somehow disclaim the legal responsibilities of "sovereignty."
  10. The Gulf Within: Canadian Arabs, Racism, & The Gulf War
    Resource Type: Book
    The Gulf Within documents the experiences of Arab and Muslim Canadians during the Gulf War. It's about the subtle and not-so-subtle anger and distrust other Canadians and institutions demonstrated towards these groups.
  11. The Gulf Within: Canadian Arabs, Racism & the Gulf War (book review)
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1992
  12. The Illusion of Debate
    Consensus for the People that Matter

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    A recent article in FAIR reviewed the findings of its latest study on the quality of political “debate” being aired on the mainstream networks. It studied the run-up to the military interventions in both Iraq and Syria. Perhaps the arbiters of the study intended to illustrate what we’ve learned since the fraudulent Iraq War of 2003. Well, it appears we’ve learned nothing.
  13. Imperial Crusades
    Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia: A Diary of Three Wars

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2004
    Iraq was just one of three major imperial crusades in the decade after 1992, orchestrated by a new generation of American politicians, both Democrat and Republican, who backed pre-emptive strikes to overthrow unruly regimes in Yugoslavia and Afghanistan under the pretext of humanitarian intervention. Imperial Crusades chronicles the lies that are now returning almost daily to haunt the liars in Washington and London, the secret agendas and the under-reported carnage of these wars.
  14. In Middle East Wars It Pays to be Skeptical
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    In the context of Western air strikes on alleged Syrian biological weapons sites on 14 April, 2018, the history of the bombing of the Abu Ghraib baby milk factory in 1991 underscores the need for permanent scepticism towards claims by U.S. and Western governments that they know exactly what is happening on the ground in Syria.
  15. Interview with Gilbert Achcar
    Against The Current vol. 122

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    On the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, Susan Weissman interviewed Gilbert Achcar for her program, "Beneath the Surface," on KPFK, Pacifica radio in Los Angeles. In the following excerpt, Achcar discusses the questions of immediate withdrawal and civil war in Iraq.
  16. Inventing Reality 
    The Politics of News Media

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1993
    Parenti sets out to demonstrate how the news media distort important aspects of social and political life and why they do.
  17. Iraq: Guerrilla War in Sadr City
    Against The Current vol. 114

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2005
    In attacking first Najaf, then Tal Afar and Samarra, and finally tackling the center of Sunni resistance in Fallujah, the United States was seeking to reverse this process. But these attacks were not designed to restore order; they were, instead, intended to prevent the consolidation of a very orderly anti-American status quo in a constantly expanding set of "liberated" areas. Ironically, the American attacks in the Fall of 2004 underscore the larger contradictions in American policy in Iraq: that the chaos American leaders keep saying there are preventing will, in fact, occur only if U.S. military forces succeed in destroying these nascent city-states.
  18. Iraq's Torture by Sanctions
    Against The Current vol. 91

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2001
    An interview with Kathy Kelly. Kathy Kelly, organizer for Voices in the Wilderness, has been involved in the struggle around ending sanctions against Iraq for the past decade. David Finkel interviewed her for Against the Current in January 2001.
  19. Killing America's Kids 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Why is the Secretary of Defense so angry at having the war photographed? Easy: Spin control. Spin is so very important in war these days. While America is only barely a democracy, still, if the public, the great sleeping, acquiescent, ignorant beast, ever gets really upset, the war ends. The Pentagon is acutely aware of this.
  20. Michael Berg for U.S. Congress in Delaware: A Voice Against War
    Against The Current vol. 124

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    On June 8 Americans awoke to the news that the U.S. military in Iraq had killed Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, alleged leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. In the midst of press coverage that cravenly accepted government claims that this was, once again, a turning point in the war, one voice in the mass media dramatically countered government claims - that of Michael Berg, Green Party candidate for Delaware's seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
  21. On Oil and Quicksand
    Against The Current vol. 114

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2005
    The end of 2004 finds the Middle East sliding toward an even bloodier morass, thanks in large part to imperial and colonial arrogance which has rarely been on such open display.
  22. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 20, 2016
    Fake News

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2016
    "Fake news" is the latest mania to convulse the mainstream media. All at once, we're being subjected to an outbreak of hand-wringing articles and commentary about obscure websites which are supposedly poisoning public opinion and undermining democracy by spreading "fake news." Since we don't like to be left out when a new fad comes on the scene, Other Voices is jumping on the bandwagon too, with this, our last issue of 2016, devoted to "fake news." Our focus, however, is not so much on the crackpots and trolls making mischief on the fringes, but on the dominant actors in the fake news business: governments and the corporate and state media.
  23. Radical Digressions 5
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2008
  24. The real first casualty of war
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    Censorship by journalism is virulent in Britain and the US - and it means the difference between life and death for people in faraway countries.
  25. Socialist Register 2006:
    Volume 42: Telling the Truth

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2005
    A collection of essays that examines the difficulties of illuminating the degenerative and secretive nature of public life.
  26. Thinking The Right Thoughts
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    There are always convenient news-hooks on which corporate journalists can hang their power-friendly prejudices about the West being 'the good guys' in world affairs. The authors provide examples from the British media.
  27. Weapons of Mass Persuasion
    Marketing the War Against Iraq

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2004
    Rutherford, an academic and media critic at the University of Toronto, tries to show how the marketing campaign for the war against Iraq was constructed and carried out with the aid of a compliant media.
  28. Winter Soldier 2008
    Against The Current vol. 134

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    More than 250 veterans and military families gathered from March 13-15 outside Washington, DC for the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) Winter Soldier Investigation: Iraq and Afghanistan. Videos of their testimony on their experiences are posted at
  29. Would as Many as 1 Million Be Alive if the Media Had Done Its Job
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    This is a transcript of John Pilger's contribution to a special edition of BBC Radio 4's 'Today' program, guest-edited by the artist and musician PJ Harvey.

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