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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results48 Connexions Library2 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 6 Sources Library 1 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryAmerica's hidden homeless: Life in the Starlight Motel Bick, Carolyn Article 2016 A motel in Massachusetts reveals the extent of the US' hidden homelessness problem. Residents share their stories. Approaches to Skid Row: Rosewater? Rehabilitation? Radical Renewal?: Notes on the Conference of December 3, 4, 5, 1974 Article 1975 Report of the first National Conference of the Skid Row National Coalition. Beyond Homelessness: Christian Faith in a Culture of Displacement Booma-Prediger, Steven and Walsh, Brian Book 2008 Beyond Homelessness looks at the socioeconomic, ecological and spiritual dimensions of homelessness. Going further than seeing housing as being bricks and mortar the authors see it as a search for bel... Birdie Passos, Heloisa Film/Video 2015 Birdie, who sleeps in trees and sells fruits and vegetables on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, loves the two abandoned dogs he now lives with. In Heloisa Passos' film, Birdie reads the minds of his two... Canadian Information Sharing Service: Pilot Copy, February 1976 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1976 The first issue of the Canadian Information Sharing Service publication. The name of the publication was later changed to Connexions and then to Connexions Digest. Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 1, Number 2 - July 1976 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1976 Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 2, Number 1 - May 1977 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1977 Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 3, Number 1 - February 1978 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1978 Connexions: Volume 4, Number 1 - February 1979 - National Security/Securite Nationale Serial Publication (Periodical) 1979 Connexions: Volume 4, Number 5 - October 1979 - Nuclear Energy\Energie Nucleaire Serial Publication (Periodical) 1979 Connexions: Volume 6, Number 2 - April 1981 - Urban Core/Milieu Urbain Serial Publication (Periodical) 1981 Connexions: Volume 9, Number 2 - Summer 1984 - Rights and Liberties - A Digest of Resources & Groups for Social Serial Publication (Periodical) 1984 Connexions: Volume 9, Number 3 - Fall 1984 - Housing - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Serial Publication (Periodical) 1984 Connexions Digest: Volume 12, Number 2 - Issue 48 - Winter 1988-89 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Connexions Library: Community & Urban Focus ![]() Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on community and urban issues. Crisis in the US: Social and Economic Effects, Restructuring and Methods of Adapting Simon, Henri Article 2010 The cause of the crisis in the US must be found in the context of the world capitalist economy and not credited to internal causes. These internal causes of course exist but in fact only shape the way... Disaster and Mental Health: The Palestinian Experience El Sarraj, Eyad; Qouta, Samir Article 2005 The continuing Israeli military occupation of Gaza is the cause of deep and widespread trauma for Palestinian children and adults. Don Weitz in conversation with Ulli Diemer Weitz, Don; Diemer, Ulli Article 2016 Activist Don Weitz interviewed by Ulli Diemer, December 8, 2016. Dossier Homme Seul Itinerant Article 1974 Theoretical base for organising and educative effort with single itinerant men in Montreal. Down and Out in Paris and London Orwell, George Book 1933 Life near the bottom in France and England in the early 1930s. Homeless: The Motel Kids of Orange County Pelosi, Alexandra Film 2010 Follows a group of children as their families struggle to live survive in one of the country's wealthiest areas. Homeless and Hungry at College: Falling Through the Safety Net Turl, Adam Article 2010 With students and their family members losing jobs as tuition increases escalate and social services are cut, more and more students are falling through the tattered social safety net. Homeless in America: Throw Them Out With the Trash Ehrenreich, Barbara Article 2011 What the Occupy Wall Streeters are beginning to discover, and homeless people have known all along, is that most ordinary, biologically necessary activities are illegal when performed in American stre... Homelessness, Health Care and Welfare Provision Fisher, Kevin & Collins, John (eds) Book Drawing on their extensive background in working with the homeless in East London, the editors look at the subject from different perspectives. There are chapters on mental heath, substance abuse, yo... Houses and Homes: Housing for Canadians Sewell, John Book 1994 Canadians need access to sound housing in decent neighborhoods, writes author Sewell. And in order to achieve this, all ideoligical freight is to be jettisoned and deliver nothing but the straight go... How Dogs Forge a Bond with Rio's Homeless That Is Life-Saving for Both Greenwald, Glenn Article 2015 Homelessness in Rio is, in many ways, virtually identical to how it manifests in other large cities: it entails unimaginable material and emotional deprivation, hopelessness, societal invisibility, an... Local Places In the Age of the Global City ![]() Keil, Roger, Wekerle, Gerda R., Bell, David V.J. (eds.) Book 1996 The contributors to Local Places look at the complex social, economic and political contexts of cities in the 1990s and suggest that cities and urbanity, while part of the problem, also need to be con... A Model of Theological Reflection Article 1976 Training document to organise analysis of the conditions that foster the existence of skid row. National Skid Row Coalition Conference, Vancouver May 12-15, 1975 Barry, Bernard Article 1975 Description of conference with reflections on implications for Calgary. No Land! No House! No Vote! Voices from Symphony Way: Voices from Symphony Way Book 2011 Accounts from Symphony Way pavement dwellers, joined together in an anti-eviction campaign, living in shacks insisting that the government provide permanent housing. Report on Services to Homeless Men: Working Paper Article 1980 It is estimated that there are between 50 and 300 "homeless" men in the city of Halifax. Report on the Conference; Vancouver 1975: May 12-13, 1975 Peterson, Larry Article 1975 Conference on stategies used on Skid Row, focusing on Vancouver organisations. Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives Raphael, Dennis (ed.) Book 2004 The social determinants of health are summarized and analyzed by over 30 medical and social academics. Street children: New Internationalist April 2005 - #377 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2005 A look at the lives of street children around the world. Discussion of the challenges they face day-to-day and what some are forced to do to survive. Take Back the Land Rameau, Max Article 2009 It is immoral for human beings to be forced to live on the streets while perfectly good structures stand vacant, sometimes just blocks away. Take Back The Land, Give Root To Democracy: Book Review by Alex Knight Knight, Alex Article 2010 In many ways, Take Back the Land is a direct heir of the bottom-up, Black self-empowerment, civil disobedient, movement-building tradition, and is one of the most inspiring examples of a group renewin... Theological Reflection Re: Skid Row Article 1976 Reflection on the conditions that foster the existence of Skid Rows in Canada. Toronto's Poor: A Rebellious History Palmer, Bryan D.; Heroux, Gaetan Book 2016 Toronto’s Poor reveals the long and too often forgotten history of poor people’s resistance. It details how the homeless, the unemployed, and the destitute have struggled to survive and secure food an... An Unauthorized Biography of the World: Oral History on the Front Lines ![]() Riordon, Michael Book 2004 This book uses oral history to discuss oral history. It is in memoir style, and delves into how oral history is done in such places as First Nations (Canada), Turkey, Chicago, Newfoundland, Peru, New ... Under the Viaduct: Homeless in Beautiful B.C. Baxter, Sheila Book 1991 The author, through interviews, gives a collection of testimonials of Vancouver's homeless and strategies to combat this social problem. Urban core support network annual conference 1982:: The disappearance of affordable housing for people on the margins Article 1982 The 1982 Conference of the Urban Core Support Network, held in Toronto in October, focused on the disappearance of affordable housing. Women on "Skid Row": A Proposal for a Shelter for Alcoholic and Homeless Women in Montreal Davies, Phyl Article 1976 A proposal written to funding bodies requesting financial assistance in setting up a women's shelter in Montreal. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesKAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives KAIROS brings together churches and religious organziations to respond to issues of common concern, advocate for social change and join faith with action for social transformation. Raising the Roof Raising the Roof is Canada's only national charity dedicated to long-term solutions to homelessness. We work nationally, regionally and locally to bring about lasting solutions to homelessness.
What ... Sources LibraryAll Our Sisters Stories of Homeless Women in Canada Scott, Susan 2007 The author conducted sixty interviews with homeless women from Vancouver to Ottawa. This investigative reporter has organized the interviews in chapters dealing with the impact of housing policies, vi... City slides into skid row Weitz, Don 1977 Perhaps some city planners and alderpersons are finally starting to take a serious look at Toronto’s skid row areas and the people struggling to survive in them. And just perhaps, they’ll come up with... Death becomes rallying cry Solomon, Rosalyn 2008 Paul Croutch, a homeless man who was beaten to death by army reservists was remembered by his friends yesterday at the same spot he lost his life three years ago. Julia Tuttle Causeway sex offender colony Wikipedia article The Julia Tuttle Causeway sex offender colony (also called "Bookville" by former residents) was an encampment of banished, registered sex offenders who were living beneath the Julia Tuttle Causeway --... Squatters are not home stealers Rose, Steve 2012 The criminalising of squatters in Britain is part of a Europe-wide backlash. But with at least 10% of the world population squatting, can they really be a menace to society? Who Killed Grace Bates...? Browne, Norman G.; Weitz, Grace 1976 Grace Bates, a long-time resident of Cabbagetown, was 63 years of age when she died in the early morning of July 19 [1976] at Nellie’s Hostel on Broadview. She had been taken to Nellie’s Hostel the pr... From the Connexions ArchivesIsraeli Committee Against House Demolitions Organization profile published 2007 Organization A non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories, now also engaged in resistance activities in other ... |