Development & Peace

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Connexions Library

Connexions Annual 1994: A Sourcebook of Social and Environmental Alternatives
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Simultaneously a reference book and an introduction to the world of social and environmental alternatives. The bulk of the Annual is devoted to listings of grassroots groups. It also contains a series...
Connexions Annual Overview: Development, International
the principle of `Thinking Globally, Acting Locally' can and must also be extended to acting locally on behalf of and in solidarity with those in other parts of this globe.

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Project Ploughshares
Canadian ecumenical agency of the Canadian Council of Churches that carries out research, analysis, dialogue and public discussion of peace and security issues in Canada and internationally. Issues in...
Science for Peace
Science for Peace is a Canadian organization which brings together those interested in the natural and social sciences in order to address the global crises facing humankind. The members of Science fo...
Zatoun is a NGO which brings fair trade olive oil from occupied Palestine. It highlights the plight of Palestinian farmers and the destruction of their livelihood. Olive oil is a basic food which remi...

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