Conscientious Objection
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results17 Connexions Library4 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 1 Sources Library 1 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryConnexions: Volume 11, Number 1 - Spring 1987 - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Serial Publication (Periodical) 1987 Connexions Digest: Issue 51 - May 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1990 Conscientious objector: Connexipedia Article Article An individual who, on religious, moral or ethical grounds, refuses to participate as a combatant in war. Israeli refusers follow South African footsteps in the struggle against apartheid Vardi, Sahar Article 2009 Shministim are conscientious objectors. We are Israeli high-school graduates who refuse conscription into the military, and are repeatedly imprisoned as a result. We will not take part of the occupati... A Military Resister and Conscientious Objector: Against The Current vol. 116 Finkel, David Article 2005 ATC Interviews Camilo Mejia. Sgt. Camilo Mejia, the first active-duty U.S. military resister to be imprisoned for refusing re-deployment to Iraq, spoke at a Detroit antiwar rally Friday, March 18, the... The New Refugees: American Voices in Canada Christy, Jim Book 1972 Stories of 18 "new refugees" who came in Canada to escape the U.S. war against Vietnam. Refuge from Militarism? The Canadian Movement to Support Vietnam Era War Resisters, and Government Responses,1965 - 1973 Squires, Jessica Article 2009 PhD Thesis, Carleton University, 2009 Resister: A Story of Protest and Prison during the Vietnam War Dancis, Bruce Book 2014 An insider's account of the antiwar and student protest movements of the sixties and a look at the prison experiences of Vietnam-era draft resisters. Revolutionary Nonviolence: Essays by Dave Dellinger Dellinger, Dave Book 1970 Dellinger says that "those of us who oppose the violence of the status quo and reject the violence of armed revolt and class hatred bear a heavy responsibility to struggle existentially to provdew non... The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage ![]() Gitlin, Todd Book 1987 One of the best books on the Sixties in the U.S., bringing to life the political and cultural currents, including especially the music, which raged during that decade, and setting them in historical c... The U.S. Military Under Stress: Against The Current vol. 112 Ensign, Todd Article 2004 John Kerry's campaign tome should dispel any illusion that he has any significant differences with George Bush on the aggressive use of the U.S. military to defend the empire. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesConnexions Archive & Library The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice.
Connexions preserves 'alternative' histories that r... New Profile A movement for the civil-ization of Israeli society.
We, a group of feminist women and men, are convinced that we need not live in a soldiers' state. Today, Israel is capable of a determined peace po... Refuser Solidarity Network Supports Israelis who refuse to serve in the Occupation.
The Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN) was formed to provide support for the growing Refuser Movement in Israel. The initial impetus for the e... War Resisters Support Campaign A coalition of community, faith and labour groups organized to support U.S. soldiers seeking asylum to escape participation in the war in Iraq. Action includes campaigning, material support and the pr... Sources Library50 Young Israelis Send a Letter to Netanyahu: "We Refuse to Serve in the Occupation Army" Sources News Release 2014 We, the undersigned, intend to refuse to serve in the army and the main reason for this refusal is our opposition to the military occupation of Palestinian territories. From the Connexions Archives |