Reality check: Croatian uniform virtually identical to...

Seed, Tony
Date Written:  2018-07-14
Publisher:  Facebook
Year Published:  2018
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX22929

Some media reports are ga-ga that the Croatian team will be wearing its red and white checkered uniform in the 2018 World Cup final on Sunday against France. Far from being innocent or fashionable, this is ominous. By allowing this uniform to be worn, FIFA is emboldening the Croatian fascists and their European allies such those in Ukraine.



Since 1991, the Croatian government has been reviving many of the paraphenalia of the Nazi puppet regime headed by Ante Pavelic. Pavelic had been the UstaĊĦa's historic Fuehrer. Streets and squares were renamed after heroes of this fascist organization and thousands of monuments to the Communists, anti-fascists and victims have been taken down. Amazingly, Croatia is presented as a victim of the Serbs.

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (pictured below), former NATO assistant secretary general for public diplomacy was educated in the United States and narrowly elected president in 2015. She will be in attendance at the final, and I am sure featured by the TV broadcasters as she was in the earlier Russian-Croatian match. Grabar-Kitarovic is a member of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), the neo-fascist oriented party of the late Croatian president Franjo Tudjman.

Grabar-Kitarovic is a U.S. fifth columnist dressed In the checker pattern as if she allegedly represents the "national interest" of the Croatian people.

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