First All Chiefs Conference

Publisher:  Indian World Magazine, Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, Vancouver, Canada
Year Published:  1980
Pages:  3pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX2079

Indian World is the official voice of the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC). It is dedicated to building a strong foundation for Indian self-government through providing an awareness of political and social issues which effect the Indians in B.C. It has a strong focus on Indian education as the means to retain and extend Indian culture. Input from Indian communities throughout the province is high.

In late April and early May 1980, about 380 Chiefs met in Ottawa to discuss revisions to Canada's constitution. Called by the Native Indian Brotherhood, it was attended by Chiefs from across Canada. Over 100 Indian bands from B.C. were represented, and UBCIC presented their Aboriginal Rights Position Paper which affirms the Indian right to self-determination and independence and the need for expanison of Indian reserve lands, resources and authority to self-govern. The paper is presented in full in the article. It was adopted by the conference.

Also detailed in the article is the march on Ottawa's Parliament Hill in early May. About 250 Indian Chiefs, elders and young people, fustrated at being denied a just and active role in constitutional change, participated in the march. The federal government, the article states, through only granting observer status to Indians at constitutional talks, prohibits meaningful Indian input into the talks on constitutioinal change.

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