Is World Hunger our Responsibility?
Cox, Mary (ed.)
Publisher: B.C. Voice of Women, Fanny Bay, CanadaYear Published: 1976 Pages: 25pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX140 Collection of articles discussing how we cause world hunger and what we must do. Abstract: This is a collection of excellent articles from American and Canadian publications, including WIN, the Canadian Forum and GATT-Fly, discussing how we cause world hunger, what we must do, a program for action, reflections on the Would Food Conference, a decentralist approach to the food crisis, and aid to other countries. The editor asks some pertinent questions as to what choices we can make, explores some myths about meat, tells the price paid for alcoholic beverages in terms of foodstuffs, which could feed millions of starving people. This book was compiled for everyone with a conscience, or who may develop one. Or you could send it to a "friend in need". Subject Headings |