Attitude Change

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Connexions Library

The Rain On Our Parade: A Letter To My Dismal Allies
Solnit, Rebecca
O rancid sector of the far left, please stop your grousing! Compared to you, Eeyore sounds like a Teletubby. If I gave you a pony, you would not only be furious that not everyone has a pony, but you w...
Unpacking for a Disaster: What You Need to Survive the Unexpected
Solnit, Rebecca
In crises, for some authorities, the media, and many outside observers, civilization tends to consist mainly of property relations, and so they pay more attention to whether someone’s taking crackers ...
Working for Peace: A Handbook of Practical Psychology and Other Tools
Wollman, Neil (ed.)
A survey of the attitudes and tools that can be used in working for peace.

Sources Library

The Millionaire Moron
Strimaitis, Adam