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Connexions Library

Crime and Criminals: Address to the Prisoners in the Chicago Jail
Darrow, Clarence
So long as big criminals can get the coal fields, so long as the big criminals have control of the city council and get the public streets for street cars and gas rights, this is bound to send thousan...
Execution Day in Zhengzhou
Hongda , Wu; Creger, John
A first-hand account of an execution day in China.
In Russian and French Prisons
Kropotkin, Peter
Kropotkin's criticism of the penal system, and an inside look into the horrors and realities of what life in prison entails.
Justice Behind the Walls: Human Rights in Canadian Prisons
Jackson, Michael
An account of the state of justice in Canadian prisons, weaving together the threads of correctional history, penal philosophy, landmark court decisions, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and legisl...
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Alexander, Michelle
Argues that Jim Crow and legal racial segregation have been replaced by mass race-based incarceration as a system of social control.
The Oxford History of the Prison: The Practice of Punishment in Western Society
Morris, Norval; Rothman, David J. (eds.)
Thematic chapters explore a variety of aspects and institutions.
Penal transportation: Connexipedia Article
The deporting of convicted criminals to a penal colony. Examples include transportation by France to Devil's Island and by the UK to its colonies in the Americas, from the 1610s through the American R...
Prison Abolition & Alternatives: Nine Perspectives for Prison Abolitionists
A argument for the abolition of prisons and a discussion of alternatives.
Prison Nation: The Warehousing of America's Poor
Herivel, Tara; Wright, Paul
Essays on the cruelty and inhumanity of the American prison system.
Prisoners' Rights Group
Culhane, Claire
The Threat of the Tag
Morris, Fanella
Tracking anklets for convicts are not a good way to alleviate prison overcrowding.
Too Few To Count: Canadian Women in Conflict with the Law
Adelberg, Ellen; Currie, Claudia
Two Systems of Justice: One for the Corporate Class; One for the Rest of Us
Mokhiber, Russell
We have two systems of justice. One for the corporate class. And one for the rest of us.
When the Prisoners Ran Walpole: A true story in the movement for prison abolition
Bissonette, Jamie
In the months before they took over running the Walople maximum-security facility in 1973, prisoners and outside advocates created programs that sent more prisoners home for good. This account reveals...

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Beyond Borders -- Ensuring Global Justice for Children
Beyond Borders, a charitable organization, works to end all sexual crimes against children, especially cross-border crimes including sex tourism and child pornography. Beyond Borders is the Canadian a...

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Progressive U.S. website/newsletter.