Encyclopedia of Marxism: Periodicals


Adelphi American Socialist (1956-1959)
Anvil (1952-1960) Appeal to Reason
Arbeiter Und Soldat/Worker and Soldier (1943-1944) Arbeiter Zeitung (Workers' Newspaper)
Avanti! Bataille
Beehive, The (1862-76) Berner Tagwacht (Berne Reveille )
Birzheviye Vedomosti Birzheviye Vedomosti (Stock-Exchange Recorder)
Bremer Burger-Zeitung Byednota (The Poor)
Call (Der Weckruf) Call (London 1916-1920)
Call (New York) Clarion (London 1891-1894)
Clarion (Manchester 1949-1960) Combate (Portugal 1974-1978)
Commonweal Communist (CPGB Weekly 1920-1923)
Communist International (‘Old’ & ‘New’ Series 1919-1926) Communist Review (CPGB Monthly 1921-1924)
De Tribune Demokatisches Wochenblatt
Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher Die Gleichheit (Equality)
Die Glocke Die Internationale Sozialistische Kommission zu Bern. Bulletin
Die Jugendinternationale (Youth International) Die Neue Zeit
Dyelo Naroda (People's Cause) Dyen (Day)
En Esapañol: Pekin Informa Finansovaya Gazeta (Financial Newspaper)
Fourth International (1940-1945) Fourth International (New York 1940-1956)
Frankfurter Zeitung und Handelsblatt Free Russian Printing House
Freiheit, Die (Freedom) Gazeta Pechatnikov (Printers' Newspaper )
Gazeta Robotnicza (Workers' Gazette) Gazeta-Kopeika (Kopek Newspaper)
German Brussels Newspaper German-French Yearbook
Glocke International and the War
International Council Correspondence – Living Marxism International Socialism (1958-1978)
International Socialism (London 1958-1978) Iskra (Spark)
Izvestia (News) Izvestia Soveta Rabochikh Deputatov (Bulletin of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies)
Izvestia Vserossiiskogo Soveta Krestyanskikh (News of the All-Russia Soviet of Peasants' Deputies) Justice
Kolokol Kommunist
L'Atelier L'Electeur Libre
L'Etendard L'Humanité
Labor Action (New York 1940-1958) Labor Defender (1926-1927)
Labour Defender Labour Leader
Labour Review (1952-1963) Labour Review (London 1952-1963)
Le National Le Socialiste
Libre Belgique (Free Belgium) Lichtstrahlen (Rays of Light)
Luch (The Ray) Malenkaya Gazeta (Small Newspaper)
Militant (New York 1928-) Moskovskiye Vedomosti (Moscow Recorder)
Naprzód Narodl Vostoka
Narodnoye Khozyaistvo Nasha Zarya
Nasha Zhizn Nashe Slovo
Nashi Dni Neue Rheinische Zeitung
Neue Zeit (Stuttgart 1823-1923) Neue Zeit (Stuttgart 1883-1923)
New International (New York 1934-1958) New International (New York 1935-1958)
New York Daily Tribune Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
Novaya Zhizn Novoye Vremya
Osvobozhdeniye (Emancipation) Peking Review (1958-)
Peking Review (Beijing) Pravda (Truth)
Presse Preussische Jahrbucher
Prizyv Problemas: Revista Mensal de Cultura Política (Rio de Janeiro)
Proletarian Cause Proletarian Revolution (previously Socialist Voice)
Proletary Prosveshcheniye
Protesto Operário (Lisbon) Rabochaya Gazeta
Rabochaya Mysl Rabochevo Dyela, "Listok"
Rabocheye Dyelo Rabocheye Utro
Rabochy Put Rabotnitsa
Rech Red Republican
Republique Francaise, Journal Officiel de la Revolutsionnaya Rossiya
Rheinische Zeitung Rote Fahne, Die
Russkaya Gazeta (Russian Gazette) Russkaya Starina (Russian Antiquarian)
Russkaya VoIya (Russian Freedom) Russkaya Zhizn (Russian Life)
Russkiye Vedomosti (Russian Recorder) Russkoye Slovo (Russian Word)
Shlyakhi (Paths) Siécle, Le
Social-Demokrat Socialist Appeal (Chicago, Ill.)
Socialist Appeal (New York City) Soldatskaya Pravda (Soldiers' Truth)
Sotsial-Demokrat (The Social-Democrat) Sovremenny Mir (The Contemporary World)
Sozialistische Monatshefte (Socialist Monthly) Spartak (Spartacus)
Student Partisan (New York 1934-1953) Student Partisan (New York 1949-)
Syn Otechestva (Son of the Fatherland) The Class Struggle (New York City 1917-1919)
The Communist (Series 1919-1921) The Daily Worker (CPUSA daily, Chicago, New York City, 1924-1956)
The International Socialist Review The Labour Monthly (London 1921-1981)
The Militant\New Militant (New York 1928-1936) The New Review (New York City 1913 – 1917)
The Ohio Socialist (Cleveland, Ohio, 1918 – 1920) The Revolutionary Age (Boston, Ma.)
The Revolutionary Age (New York City) The Workers World (Kansas City, 1919-1920)
ToDay Tovarishch (The Comrade)
Työmies Vecherneye Vremya
Vedomosti Obshchestvennovo Gradonachalstva Vestnik Russkoi Revolutsii
Victoire, La Volga Naroda
Volksfreund (People's Friend) Volksstaat (Der Volksstaat)
Volksstimme Vorwärts (Forward)
Vperyod Western Worker (San Francisco 1932-1937)
Woman Rebel Workers’ International News (London 1938-1949)
Yedinstvo Zarya
Zavety (Behests) Zeitung des Arbeiter-Vereins zu Kölnn
Zemlya i Volya