Off Our Backs
Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2023
Website: http://www.offourbacks.org
Purpose: Off Our Backs is a nonprofit organization run by a collective where decisions are made by consensus. Formerly a print news journal by, for, and about women, off our backs was published from 1970 to 2008. The mission of off our backs is * to provide news and information about women's lives and feminist activism * to educate the public about the status of women around the world * to serve as a forum for feminist ideas and theory * to be an information resource on feminist, women's, and lesbian culture * to seek social justice and equality for women worldwide.
Languages: English
Structure: Non-Profit
PeriodicalsOff Our Backs
Frequency: 12/yr
ISSN: 0030-0071
Subscription Price: $17/indiv,
Subject Headings:Experts on similar topics in the Sources Directory:
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