Federation of Canadian Naturists/Federation Quebecoise de naturisme
Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2022

P.O. Box 186, Stn. D
Etobicoke, ON
M9A 4X2

E-Mail: information@fcn.ca
Website: http://www.fcn.ca/

Contact: Karen Grant, President

Purpose: Established in 1985, this national non-profit organization promotes naturism/nudism in Canada and informs/represents the interests of Canadian naturist/nudist individuals, families, clubs, resorts and organizations. Affiliated with the Belgium-based International Naturist Federation, which represents naturists in over 30 countries, the FCN gives an international voice to Canadian nudists/naturists.

Budget: $25,000 to $100,000

Founded: 1985

Geographic Scope: National

Languages: English

Resources: Database, Magazine

Structure: Non-Profit


Going Natural

Frequency: 4/yr

Subscription Price: $42/yr

Subject Headings:

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