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Connexions Library

Planning As Learning: The Education of Citizen Activists
Alexander, Donald Hayley Morrow
Phd thesis focusing on the learning undertaken by members of citizens' groups involved in land use planning.
We Make the Road By Walking: Conversations on education and social change
Horton, Myles; Freire, Paulo
Horton, the founder of the Highlander Folk School, and Freire, a Brazilian education leader, are from two different backgrounds, but their shared views on the use of participatory education in bringin...

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Essential Skills Ontario
Essential Skills Ontario is a non-profit organization that works to find the most innovative, efficient and effective solutions that provide adults with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly-cha...
Workers' Health and Safety Centre
The Workers Centre is playing a significant role in transforming workplace health and safety in Ontario. Our training programs and support services equip workers with the knowledge and skills to ident...