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Connexions Library

Behind the Dirty Cleansing of New Orleans: Against The Current vol. 132
Tribich, Chloe
Commentaries on the viciousness of Congressman Richard Baker’s (R-LA) oft-cited comment that “we couldn’t get rid of public housing, but God did” often miss the fact that it is, in many ways, an accur...
Coming Home to the Struggle: Against The Current vol. 134
Thompson, Wendy
I became a political activist at the age of 12, when I marched for open housing in Evanston, Illinois. We lived next to the Black community in Evanston; African-American students made up 40% of my gra...
Race and Class: Brown v. Board of Education 50 Years Later: Against The Current vol. 111
Miah, Malik
I found the headline of the May 17 Business Week article on the 50th anniversary of the famous Brown v. Board of Education landmark Supreme Court ruling, that "separate but equal" schools were unconst...
Race and Class: Busing and Integration, 1975-99: Against The Current vol. 82
Miah, Malik
In the mid-1970s Boston was a major battle ground for equal education in the public schools. Boston's inner-city schools—as in most urban areas—were less-equipped and in worse condition than those in ...

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