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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:

Connexions Library

Legacy: The Natural History of Ontario
Theberge, John B.
A comprehensive, extensively illustrated natural history of Ontario, covering bedrock, soils, birds, mammals, insects, wildflowers, forests, prehistoric life, and much more.
A People's History of Science
Connor, Clifford
Connor focuses on the contributions of ordinary people living in ordinary times and the social and political history in which they lived. Spanning the time from the hunter-gatherers to the information...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Bully for Brontosaurus
Reflections in Natural History
Gould, Stephen Jay
A collection of dicursive essays on natural history.
Manitoulin Rocks!
Rocks, Fossils and Landforms of Manitoulin
Coniglio, Mario; Karrow, Paul; Russell, Peter
An introduction to the geology of Manitoulin Island and nearby areas to the north, for the non-specialist.
Road Rocks Ontario
Over 250 Geological Wonders to Discover
Eyles, Nick
Presents detailed descriptions of over 250 of the most fascinating geological wonders of Ontario.
Source rock
Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia
In petroleum geology, source rock refers to rocks from which hydrocarbons have been generated or are capable of being generated.
Toronto Rocks
The Geological Legacy of the Toronto Region
Eyles, Nick; Clinton, Laura
Toronto’s urban geology.