Food Gardens

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Connexions Library

After the "Special Period": Against The Current vol. 89
Quinn, Rachel
U.S. activists interview Cuban student. In July, Solidarity supporters Tim Marshall, Rachel Quinn and Sara Abraham had the opportunity to take classes at the University of Havana as a part of the Lang...
The Canadian Green Consumer Guide: How You Can Help
A guide to responsible shopping that won't cost the earth.
The Harrowsmith Reader: An Anthology from Canada's National Award Winning Magazine of Country Life and Alternatives to Bigness
Lawrence, James (ed.)
Articles on land, country careers, shelter, gardening, husbandry, food, trees, and rural life.
An Illustrated Guide to Growing Food on Your Balcony
Mrosovsky, Lara Lucretia
A booklet for people in the city who grow or want to grow plants in container. The information is meant to be basic enough for beginners and informattive enough to be a handy reference for even an exp...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 21, 2018: What are we eating?
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
What are we eating? A simple question which opens up a labyrinth of devilishly complex issues about production and distribution, access to land, control of water, prices, health and safety, migrant la...

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