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Connexions Library

Ciné-Archives gère le fonds audiovisuel du Parti communiste français - Mouvement ouvrier & démocratique. Elle a pour mission la conservation et la promotion de ces archives.
Labor Film Database: Films, videos and film festivals that focus on work, workers and worker’s issues
Over 1,700 films and videos are listed here, searchable by title, director, actors and/or keywords
"We don't have films you can eat": Talking to the D.E.C. Films Collective
Cooper, Margaret
An interview with members of DEC Films, a distributor of progressive films in English-speaking Canada.

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Save the feature before it explodes
Several films directed by Alfred Hitchcock in the 1920s are being fully restored
Miller, Henry K.
Nine films Hitchcock directed during the 1920s will be restored by archivists at the British Film Institute before the volatile nitrate reels combust. The film archivists' work and the hirstory of the...