Harvey, David
Recommended Author Index

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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red Connexions logo:

  1. Introduction to Marx's Capital
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2009
    This book is aimed to guide the first time reader through a difficult and intricate text. Harvey makes CAPITAL relevant to the understanding of contemporary capitalism.
  2. Limits of Capital
    Resource Type: Book
    An exposition and development of Marx's critique of political economy. Harvey updates his text with a discussion of the turmoil in world markets today.
  3. Organizing for the Anti-Capitalist Transition 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    David Harvey says that there is a lot of work to be done to coalesce various tendencies around the underlying question: can the world change materially, socially, mentally, and politically in such a way as to confront not only the dire state of social and natural relations in so many parts of the world, but also the perpetuation of endless compound growth? This is the question that the alienated and discontented must insist upon asking, again and again, even as they learn from those who experience the pain directly and who are so adept at organizing resistances to the dire consequences of compound growth on the ground.