Coalition Building
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Connexions LibraryBeating Back the Corporate Attack: Socialism and the struggle for global justice ![]() Clement, Chris; La Botz, Dan; Luce, Stephanie; Post, Charlie Book 2000 Our movement is calling for a new direction -- for democratic control of our political life, and for democratic control over the most important aspects of the economy. Why should handful of the super-... Dual Power or Populist Theater? Mexico's Two Governments: Against The Current vol. 125 La Botz, Dan Article 2006 The Mexican Electoral Tribunal recognized Felipe Calderón as president-elect, while a massive National Democratic Convention has proclaimed Andrés Manuel López Obrador to be the “legitimate president ... Living Wage Campaigns, Part 2: Challenges Facing the Movement Luce, Stephanie Article 1998 IN THE PREVIOUS article (see ATC 76), I discussed the basic concepts, advocates and goals behind living wage campaigns, as well as some of the movement's successes. These include a positive ideologica... Organize! Organizing for Social Change Bobo, Kim; Kendall, Jerry; Max, Steve Book 1996 A guide to community organizing with attention to specific tasks such as hosting meetings, public speaking and making partnerships with other activist groups. Social Movements/Social Change: The Politics and Practice of Organizing - Socialist Studies 4 Cunningham, Frank; Findlay, Sue; Kadar, Marlene, et.al. Book 1988 This collection of essays covers movements related to labour, ecology, childcare, peace, disability, gay rights, and access to abortion. Voices of Resistance to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Bowles, Paul; Veltmeyer, Henry Article 2013 The National Energy Board's Joint Review Panel (JRP) has just published its recommendation that the Enbridge's proposed Northern Gateway to transport Alberta's tar sands oil to the northwest coast of ... What Do We Do Now? Building a Social Movement in the Aftermath of Free Trade ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 1989 We have the potential to create a social movement in this country that goes beyond single-issue organizing to work toward an integrated vision of a more just and caring society. Working for Peace: A Handbook of Practical Psychology and Other Tools Wollman, Neil (ed.) Book 1985 A survey of the attitudes and tools that can be used in working for peace. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesConnexions Archive & Library The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice.
Connexions preserves 'alternative' histories that r... |