Connexions Annual Overview: Human Rights, Civil Liberties
Date Written:  1989-10-01
Publisher:  Connexions Information Sharing Services, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published:  {2900 Connexions Annual Overview: Human Rights, Civil Liberties CONNEXIONS ANNUAL OVERVIEW HUMAN RIGHTS CIVIL LIBERTIES Connexions Information Sharing Services Toronto Canada If we accept that anyone may be denied their rights, their freedom, then we undermine our own rights and freedoms even as we undermine social solidarity. 1989-10-01 1989 1994 CXWordCloud-128023f.jpg ART Article CX9384 0 false true false CX9384.htm [0xc0023df5c0 0xc000252360 0xc00076f680 0xc0007a36b0] Cx}
Year Published:  1994
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX9384

If we accept that anyone may be denied their rights, their freedom, then we undermine our own rights and freedoms even as we undermine social solidarity.

Subject Headings

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