On The Non-Formation of a Working-Class Political Party in the U.S., 1900-1945
Goldner, Loren
http://breaktheirhaughtypower.org/on-the-non-formation-of-a-working-class-political-party-in-the-united-states-1900-1945/Year First Published: {23616 On The Non-Formation of a Working-Class Political Party in the U.S., 1900-1945 ON THE NON FORMATION OF A WORKING-CLASS POLITICAL PARTY IN THE U.S. 1900-1945 Goldner, Loren http://breaktheirhaughtypower.org/on-the-non-formation-of-a-working-class-political-party-in-the-united-states-1900-1945/ Thus the basic thesis presented here is that no major working-class political party developed in the U.S. in the 20th century because in the U.S., in contrast to all other major capitalist countries, capitalism made the transition to the intensive ("Taylorist" or "Fordist") phase of accumulation without requiring the participation of a working-class political party in the state. 1983 2002 ART Article CX8994 0 false true false CX8994.htm [0xc0014bef00 0xc0028246c0 0xc002862cc0] Cx} Year Published: 2002 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX8994 Thus the basic thesis presented here is that no major working-class political party developed in the U.S. in the 20th century because in the U.S., in contrast to all other major capitalist countries, capitalism made the transition to the intensive ("Taylorist" or "Fordist") phase of accumulation without requiring the participation of a working-class political party in the state. Subject Headings |