The Irrational in Politics

Brinton, Maurice
Publisher:  Black Rose Books
Year First Published:  {14207 The Irrational in Politics IRRATIONAL IN POLITICS Brinton, Maurice Black Rose Books The Irrational in Politics examines the way in which we have been programmed by social and sexual patterns of the dominant ideology. The result is mass produced individuals incapable of automous thought and perpetually craving authority and leadership. In this light he looks as well at the sexual revolution and the failure of the Russian Revolution. His aim is to allow the ordinary individual to aquire insight into their own phychic structure and in doing so become harmonised with their own deep aspirations and desires. 1970 1975 48pp BC14027s-Brinton-IrrationalPolitics.jpg PMP Pamphlet CX8115 1 true true false CX8115.htm [0xc0003cba40 0xc0007f2150] Cx}
Year Published:  1975
Pages:  48pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX8115

The Irrational in Politics examines the way in which we have been programmed by social and sexual patterns of the dominant ideology. The result is mass produced individuals incapable of automous thought and perpetually craving authority and leadership. In this light he looks as well at the sexual revolution and the failure of the Russian Revolution. His aim is to allow the ordinary individual to aquire insight into their own phychic structure and in doing so become harmonised with their own deep aspirations and desires.

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